The Lost Island

After a relatively quiet month with many of us waiting for the next game update to hit the live servers or simply busy with other things, tonight a group of us got together once again to hit up a flashpoint.

Tonights challenge was the new flashpoint introduced just a few days ago in patch 1.2, Lost Island. With this being our first journey out there and knowing next to nothing about what to expect we decided to see what it was like in normal mode first. A challenge it certainly was.

SSX Lost Island Run

Bioware have obviously put a lot of thought into this new flashpoint and in terms of encounter difficulty and setting it pretty much raises the bar. With each boss fight we had one phase or another which completely took us all by surprise and yes, wiped us a few times. Whether that was being flung to our deaths into a pit of lava or suddenly having waves of falling icicles drop upon us we were beginning to wonder what other surprises would be in store for us. All being said once we figured out how each fight played out we had no trouble clearing the rest of the flashpoint including the crazy bugger Dr. Lorrick himself.

A good night by all!. I'm sure we'll have our hands full when we come to attempt this in hard mode ^^

Also in other news the SSX now has its own guild bank which can be found in the Galactic Trade Market on the Imperial Fleet. Currently we just have two bank vaults available but should we need more space we can add a third vault for a further 2m credits. If anyone is drowning in cash or feels like donating feel free to deposit whatever you can. If/when we reach the 2m mark we can withdraw it and expand to a third if needed. Also it goes without saying that if there's anything you need help yourself!

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