Server Issues Resolved

The server issues which have been ongoing since the accident which occurred almost two weeks ago have now been resolved, and as a result of this we have been able to restore the Main Website to full functionality once more.

Unfortunately it has not been possible to restore those news items which were submitted after the backup was taken. The two most recent newsposts prior to the accident have been replaced, however we will be unable to do the same with others. We apologise for this, but there is little else we can do.

Please let us know if you run into any issues with the website as you use it. Whilst we have restored as much as possible to the state it was in prior to the accident it may well be that we overlook something. If any issues are reported they will be resolved as swiftly as we are able.

We thank you for your patience with us over the last two weeks we have been operating under limited functionality. We are sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused.

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