I still need to take this knowledge into other games and have it become the norm for me, keeping in mind that those will be less scripted than this one was (since by BD keeping his distance, I was the one controlling where the engagements took place by being the AI's nearest target) but with BD's help I finally "get it" now and can start putting it into practice.
Another thing I was having problems with was knowing where I am on the map and when decoupling, hitting a map boundary behind me (sometimes you don't have enough time to stop even with the audio warning). From now on trying to keep the central tower within view, or figuring out where I am in relation to it when decoupling so as to better judge my distance and surroundings.
Those of you who haven't played much of the game yet or perhaps struggling/neglecting to use decoupled mode should definitely give this a watch when you have time. It's the longest video I have uploaded to YouTube but if it's as helpful to some of you as the session was to me then it was worth the time it took to upload

Anyway.. the vid:
Here's a video I recorded the day before too (I posted it in the 300 series thread as well so some of you may have already watched it). In this you can get an idea how one might use decoupled mode (along with boost) to get around some of these tracks at high speed too. I'll repost it here for convenience:
[Also, Anny. When you have time and you get to the "to do list" we have in the members forum, can we prioritize this YouTube embed problem (that's flashing the white page/site navigation when loading into a thread) please?. Been seeing it pretty much every day for almost 2 months now and it's really starting to annoy me lol. Thankies!)