Haal's Warlock Macros!

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Haal's Warlock Macros!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:36 am

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I've been playing around with some space saving macros, and they worked out so nice, I though I'd post them up for you all to see.

Basically, the way that the multi purpose ones work is this: I assign three spells to each macro, one that works just on a single click or button push, one that is only available if you're holding shift, and one that is only available if you're holding control. The #showtooltip function makes it so that when you mouse over the icon, you'll see the display as if you were mousing over the normal icon. In addition, if you use the big red '?' icon for your picture, it shows the icon normally used by that spell.

To use my buffs macro as an example, normally you see the icon for Demon Armor, and if you mouse over it you'll see the tooltip for my max rank of Demon Armor. But if I hold shift down, it changes to the icon for Unending Breath, and displays the tooltip for that spell upon mouse over.

The bottom macro is my misc. pet function macro. It's most important function is to provide me an easy way to keep targets seduced. Sitting right next to it I have a macro with the simple line of "/focus". All that does is mark that target as special, and I can command my succubus to seduce it without targeting it again. The other two lines cannot function while I have my succubus out, because she can't cast those two spells.

It's pretty easy to adapt these to other uses. I just find it saves me an INCREDIBLE amount of room on my bars. One thing I did have to do was disable or change certain key bindings, though. I had to remove the Shift+1, Shift+2, etc. to change bars, instead relying on Shift+Mousewheel Up or Down. I also had to change the bindings for the pet bar, so that Control+2 wouldn't signal them to walk over to me or something similar.

Well, I hope that for those of you who don't commonly make use of macros, that you find something new and interesting here that might help make your play time a bit easier and smoother. And if you DO commonly make use of macros, please post some examples, as I'm always looking for more.

/cast [nomodifier] Demon Armor
/cast [modifier:shift] Unending Breath
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Detect Invisibility

Curse of Agony
/cast [nomodifier] Curse of Agony
/cast [modifier:shift] Amplify Curse

Misc. Curses
/cast [nomodifier] Curse of Recklessness
/cast [modifier:shift] Curse of Weakness
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Curse of Tongues

Direct Damage
/cast [nomodifier] Shadow Bolt
/cast [modifier:shift] Searing Pain
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Rain of Fire

/cast [nomodifier] Drain Soul
/cast [modifier:shift] Drain Life
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Drain Mana

Summons 1
/cast [nomodifier] Summon Imp
/cast [modifier:shift] Summon Voidwalker
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Summon Succubus

Summons 2
/cast [nomodifier] Summon Felhunter
/cast [modifier:shift] Summon Felsteed
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Summon Felguard

Easy Seduction and Fire Shield
/cast [pet, target=focus] Seduction
/cast [pet, target=player] Fire Shield
/cast [pet, target=player] Devour Magic
Convict - White Mage/Summoner 75
Ghede - Radiation/Radiation Defender 50
Haal - Warlock 'o DOOM

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:59 am

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Warning: Long xD

Incidentally when you get to 70 (sorry if you already are!) you may want to change that devour magic, or, write a new macro, specifically for spell-lock.
It's one of the most powerful abilities in the game.

These macros are actually pretty advanced if you worked'em all out yourself, there is another tier of macroing though, it does get quite a bit more complicated.

Pre-.2.0.1 blizzard decided that addons(read; sophisticated macros) were not allowed to actively compile their own code to be executed (you couldn't make logical statements with IFs/THENs/ANDs/etc anymore).
The community agreed on the whole it was needed, but there was a large number of people that felt the macro interface had become insanely less useful/virtually useless in comparison to what it was(which remains true, although it's better now).
Anyway, with 2.0.3 Blizz introduced a new set of conditional macro commands to allow you to do a few nifty extra things;
  • * help - Evaluates 'true' if target is friendly
    * harm - Evaluates 'true' if target is hostile
    * combat - Evaluates 'true' if you are in combat.
    * stance or stance:# - Evaluates 'true' if you are in a stance, or are in a particular stance (see below)
    * stealth - Evaluates 'true' if you are stealthed.
    * modifier or modifier:shift|ctrl|alt - Evaluates 'true' if the selected key is held down when the command is executed.
    * equipped:<item> - Evaluates 'true' if item is equipped. Item can be any valid inventory slot, item class or item subclass.
    * target=<unit> - Special option. It changes the target from the default of "target" to any valid unitid. (see below)
    * actionbar:<number> - Evaluates 'true' if the current actionbar is the same as the listed one.
    * pet:<pet type OR pet name> - Evaluates 'true' if the pet exists. Takes pet type (Owl, Bear, Imp) or pet name (Fluffy, MrBigglesworth). With no modifier (i.e. just [pet]) it evaluates 'true' if ANY pet exists.
    * mounted, swimming, flying - Evaluates 'true' if you are mounted, swimming, or flying, respectively.
    * indoors, outdoors - Evaluates 'true' if you are indoors or outdoors, respectively.
    * button:<#> - Evaluates 'true' if the selected button was used to 'click' the spell, defaults to 1 (see below).
    * channeling:<spell> - Evaluates true if you are channeling the spell listed. With no spell listed, it evaluates true if any spell is being channeled.
    * exists and dead - Evaluates true if your target is dead, or actually exists.
    * party - evaluates true if the target is a member of your party
    * raid - evaluates true if the target is a member of your party or raid
    * group - evaluates true if you are in a group
    * group:party/raid - evaluates true if you are in the specified type of group
These are the conditionals available, you can additionally put 'no' infront of any of these, so for example if you wanted to make a macro for your mount (as a Paladin, you can make a macro, to swap your aura to/from crusader aura, and mount/dismount at the same time, since the conditional code for it isn't perfect and I can't remember it offhand, I wont post it, but basically it's a 6 or 7 line macro with the use of /stopcasting (circumvents global cooldown on spells that have 'fake' global cooldowns to protect you from using them incorrectly (like double clicking on an aura, without the fake global cooldown would immediately cancel the aura, but with the macro, /cast auraname /stopcasting /use [uberleetmountofdoom] and /cast anotherauraname /stopcasting /use [uberleetmountofdoom] will dismount you and recast which ever other aura you want to use, note; this macro isn't complete I think it needs a /castsequence and I'm not 100% sure on it, but the logic works if you can find the options).

There's other fun stuff you can do, as a druid as well, which includes taking pots in forms (well I lie, you shapeshift out, take the pot, and shapeshift back, in the same button press, you're out of form for ~.01 seconds).
Stance dancing for warriors with similar macros to use abilities instantly (fearbreaking with zerkstance/zerkrage)
Something along the lines of /cast [stance:3] /stopcasting /cast berserker rage, will instantly drop you outta defencive or battle and instantly cast zerk rage (unless they nerfed it but afaik it works still!)

/cast [stance:1] Growl; [stance:3] Claw will use growl if you're in BARE form and claw if you're in cat form very similar to the macros you were using earlier except even more automatic.

imma rip the next couple bits off a site that's using the same source as me to do the same job, basically cuz it's handling an area i haven't taught myself properly yet but;

The [equipped] option also works the same way, but it's a bit trickier. The argument can be either an Inventory Slot (see below), an item type, or an item subtype. For a list of item types and subtypes, check here: http://www.wowwiki.com/ItemType

A List of Inventory Slots:
  • * Two-Hand
    * Bag
    * Shirt
    * Chest
    * Back
    * Feet
    * Finger
    * Hands
    * Head
    * Held In Off-hand
    * Legs
    * Neck
    * Ranged
    * Chest
    * Off Hand
    * Shoulder
    * Tabard
    * Thrown (ranged slot items like thrown daggers)
    * Trinket
    * Waist
    * One-Hand
    * Main Hand
    * Off Hand
    * Wrist
Some equipped examples:

* /cast [equipped:Two-Handed Swords] Mortal Strike; Heroic Strike
This will cast Mortal Strike if you are using a 2hand sword.
* /cast [equipped:Two-Handed Swords/Two-Handed Maces/Two-Handed Axes/Polearms] Mortal Strike
This uses the '/' modifier to set up an 'or' condition. This macro will cast Mortal Strike if ANY of those types are equipped.
* /cast [equipped:Shields] Shield Bash
This will cast Shield Bash if you have a shield equipped.
* /cast [equipped:Shields, equipped:Daggers] Shield Slam
This will cast Shield slam only if you have a dagger AND a shield equipped.
* /cast [noequipped:Shields, equipped:Off Hand] Rampage
This will cast Rampage if you do NOT have a shield equipped, AND you have something in the Off Hand slot. In theory, this macro will only activate if you are dual-wielding.

The option [button:<x>] works similarly to the modifier button. Normally, if you left-click a button, it performs whatever action is in that spell, in our case a macro. However, if you set the button option, you can change the behavior of a particular macro.

The default button is 1, the Left Mouse button. Note that when you activate a macro via a keybinding, it treats it like a Left Mouse button click. The numbered buttons are:
  • * 1 or LeftButton
    * 2 or RightButton
    * 3 or MiddleButton
    * 4 or Button4
    * 5 or Button5
    * ... or any of the buttons remapped by the secure state headers. I don't know what this last bit means, to be honest, I'm simply quoting slouken.
/cast [button:2,target=player] Flash Heal; [help] Flash Heal
This macro would cast Flash Heal on a friendly target, OR if you clicked it with the right mouse button, it would cast Flash Heal on you.

The site does go on to site (lolol exit stage left) several examples you might enjoy reading;


This is the most sophisticated macro I've worked on, sorted through it with a lot of help from a friend at Curse.
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(Need 102.4 combined avoidance. Currently at:,0.8,0.8,1)
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)*150/355 + 20)*0.04,1,0.5,0)

It's primarily for use for Paladin tanks, what it basically does, is tell you what your current total 'avoidance' is, (avoidance is in quotation marks because strictly speaking block is not avoidance, it's mitigation, which is why any warrior that values block rating needs to be shot) the aim is to get it to 102.4% so that boss mobs cannot crush you, 99% of paladins will be well beyond 490 defence by the time they hit 102.4 avoidance therefore at this point in time they become viable for main tanking any instance assuming that they have sufficient hp.

Man I ramble.
Incidentally whilst I was rambling I found the mount macro;

/cast [nocombat, nomounted] Crusader Aura; [mounted] Concentration Aura;
/cast [nocombat, nomounted] Blue Hawkstrider;
It's not quite as elegant as the one I was using since this macro will not cast concentration aura if you're already dismounted with crusader aura on (read; you walked indoors and got auto-dismounted).

Lot to read, hope you enjoy though xP!
"Then, to hide their frailty, they hurt those who are kind.
I whisper farewell to this ugly world and dance nimbly with brilliant wings of red."

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:07 pm

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As always stu is ready with his super ablity to crit with his walls of text. :p
Babydolly Frost Mage 70
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I didn't fall from grace, I dove.
What do you mean my halo is lopsided, it's balanced perfectly on my horns.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:07 pm

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:eek: My mind, it is blown!

That's some cool stuff, man. :thumb:
Convict - White Mage/Summoner 75
Ghede - Radiation/Radiation Defender 50
Haal - Warlock 'o DOOM

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