SSX & GoE Down Onyxia!!

Yesterday evening the Exiles of Shattered Star & Grace of Elune, Bladefist/WoW:EU successfully downed Onyxia for the first time!

For anyone that doesn't play WoW, Onyxia is a one of the main endgame bosses in WoW, a huge dragon that takes a raid of 40 people to kill her, also owner of probably one of the most powerful attacks currently ingame - deep breath. Thankfully we didn't meet that lil attack yesterday ;p

We have already downed 9 of 10 bosses in the Molten Core, now we have downed Onyxia as well. This only leaves us with Ragnaros before we can finally move on to Blackwing Lair!

Grats to everyone that took part. ;D

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