These are all unique world drops. That means you can only have one in your possession at a time and you never know when you may get them. They supposedly drop off humanoids, but I've got them off things I wouldn't consider humanoid... Anyways, you may have more in your mailbox, but you cannot loot the libram unless you do not currently have one in possession. Thus, it is not recommended to attempt to buy and resell mass quantities of librams.
You must have the libram in your inventory when you talk to the High Elf NPC at the Neutral Camp in the north of Burning Steppes to get the quest.
When you complete the quest, you get a lesser arcanum item that can be used to enchant a leg or head slot item.
These enchants do not stack and will overwrite any other enhancements on the item such as Armor Kits.
Each quest also requires payment of 30g, the libram itself, and 1 Black Diamond.
Due to the cost and time required to gain these enchants, it is highly recommended to save any arcanum's you obtain for end game gear!! Unless you're buying your gold off Ebay in which case I say save that money for a nice juicy steak (like I do) or bean sprouts for all you poor vegetarians.
Libram of Resilience - (20 fire resistance)
Libram of Tenacity - (125 armor)
Libram of Constitution - (100 hp)
Libram of Rumination - (150 mana)
Libram of Voracity - (+8 stat of your choice)
I've gotten these as drops, but it's usually much easier to buy them on the AH; just search for keyword Libram. Constitution and Voracity are the most popular Librams at my last count. Obviously, Constitution and Rumination are superior to Voracity for stamina and intellect except for BoK and other % enhancing buffs and the added crit rate from int.
Each libram requires:
1 Black Diamond
1 Libram (the appropriate one, of course, ninny)
These are the additional mat requirements for each libram:
4 Crystal Spire
1 Burning Essence
4 Crystal Ward
1 Eye of Kajal
1 Lung Juice Co-cktail
4 Night Dragon's Breath
1 Black Blood of the Tormented
1 Gizzard Gum
4 Whipper Root Tuber
4 Crystal Force
Now you're thinking, "Well that's dandy, but I've never heard of half that stuff!". Well you're in luck, because I have and I'm going to tell you where to get them.
Crystal Spire, Crystal Ward, and Crystal Force are all created from power crystals at pylons found in Un'goro Crater.
Go to the NPC Camp at the north and talk to the gnome in the cave and finish 'Making Sense of It' quest to get a book that tells you which pylon and which crystals get you which Crystal item.
If you've finished the quests and threw away the book, you can simply use each pylon or talk to the gnome again to get that information.
If you want to save time, these are the colors for each Crystal item if you're going to buy the crystals on the AH or something. I don't have the information for which pylon, but there are only 3 so you might as well go look yourself.
Crystal Spire: 10 Blue, 10 Yellow
Crystal Ward: 10 Red, 10 Green
Crystal Force: 10 Green, 10 Blue
Each Crystal item is BOP so the fastest way to get these is to buy the crystals on the AH, run down to Un'goro Crater, and use the appropriate pylon to make your Crystal item.
Info Request: If you know which pylon makes these Crystal items, please post!
Lung Juice Co-cktail and Gizzard Gum are repeatable, consumable quest rewards from the Blasted Lands High Elf NPCs near the entrance to Blasted Lands.
These quests require you to run around and slay the hapless beasts surrounding you and return enough of their undamaged body parts to create a potion that grants +50 stat for 1 hr! Each potion is unique and will overwrite each other so you can only have of each type at any given time and only have one of the buffs in effect.
Here are the requirements:
Lung Juice Co-cktail: 3 Blasted Boar Lung, 2 Scorpok Pincer, 1 Basilisk Brain
Gizzard Gum: 10 Vulture Gizzard, 2 Snickerfang Jowl
You can purchase all of these parts on the AH (they have no vendor sell value), but depending on your server they may or not be in high demand.
Whipper Root Tuber and Night Dragon's Breath are both items found in Felwood using the Cenarion Beacon. You must complete a prequest for the Druids in the south to get the Cenarion Beacon. If you've done it and thrown it away, you can get another from the NPC.
Anyways, you get Cenarion Plant Salves in return for turning in Corrupted Soul Shards, Fel Creep, Tainted Vitriol, Lesser Nether Essence, and Patches of Tainted Skin to the NPC. You then get to parade all over Felwood looking for a sick plant and using Plant Salves on them. Some give you buffs, others give you items, as is the case for Whipper Root Tuber and Night Dragon's Breath.
If you need to do this fast, buy Lesser Nether Essences to turn into Cenarion Plant Salves at the NPC. Then you run around looking for these plants, they're all over the place and I haven't found a definitive guide to locating each plant so just wander around and have fun.
Burning Essence, Black Blood of the Tormented, and Eye of Kajal are NOT FUN TO GET! That is, they require more time and effort in comparison to the other materials. This is why Libram of Constitution and Voracity are so popular; neither require any of these three items.
All of these items are acquired in BRD. Since they are quest items, I am pretty sure you must have the quest in order to obtain it. These items are found in the Dark Coffer and are not a guaranteed drop! Many people seem to be frustrated at obtaining these items and due to the drop rate and demand. It is possible for multiples of these items to drop, but I believe only 1 person can receive it (unlike Blood from Drakkisath).
In order to open the Dark Coffer, you must open everything except the Dark Coffer (b/c obviously you can't open it w/o a key!). Then in the room before it, there is a picture on the wall you can use the gear tool on. That will spawn the Dark Keeper and his guardsmen. When you defeat them, the Dark Keeper will drop the key to the Dark Coffer.
When you have collected all the materials, including the 30g, you must return to the High Elf NPC in Burning Steppes. Your reward will be a lesser arcanum item. You can keep it in the bank until you find a piece of gear worth using it on or use it right away. If you are finishing the Libram of Voracity quest, YES YOU GET TO PICK WHICH STAT YOU WANT FOR THE ENCHANT.
When the Dire Maul instance was introduced, it also brought with it 3 new librams.
These librams are similar in that they allow you to obtain arcanum, which may be applied to a head or leg slot item.
The NPC for the DM Librams is Lorekeeper Lydros, who also happens to reside in DM.
These librams only drop in DM.
All of these librams require at least 1 Pristine Black Diamond, 2-4 Large Brilliant Shards, and the libram itself.
Libram of Focus - (+8 to Healing and Damage from spells) - Drops in DM West
Libram of Rapidity - (+1% Haste) - Drops in DM East
Libram of Protection - (+1% Dodge) - Drops in DM North
Each libram requires:
1 Black Pristine Diamond
1 Libram
2 Large Brilliant Shard
In addition, they require:
2 Large Brilliant Shard (4 total)
2 Skin of Shadow
2 Blood of Heroes
1 Frayed Abomination Stitching
Black Pristine Diamonds are super expensive to buy because they are required for Epic mount quest. They are a random drop in High Lvl instances so basically you farm the gold to buy one or you hope to get lucky. I've seen these drop in DM and Stratholme and BRS.
Large Brilliant Shards are easy to find and purchase on your local AH. You can also disenchant them from a number of magical items. Check Thottbot or similar resource if you are unsure what to disenchant.
Skins of Shadow are found in Scholomance behind Jandice Barov as a pickup item. It is also required for several epic armor quests so trying to ninja it will make people angry and say things about your mother.
Blood of Heroes are like body parts on the ground (I've found an arm and what I think may have been a leg). You can interact with them with the gear icon. They are found all over the ground in both Plaguelands. When you loot the blood, up to 2 elite undead will spawn to eat your nether regions. I've managed to loot these and run away at lvl 40, but threw all the blood away because I couldn't figure out what they were for. These are also for epic armor quests, but no one's gonna kick you from an instance for taking them.
Frayed Abomination Stitchings are found on the Baron side of Stratholme. They drop from the elite abominations protecting the Baron's residence. These are also needed for epic armor quests, but are now green so you can no longer ninja them.
When you have collected all the materials, you must return to Lorekeeper Lydros in DM. Your reward will be an arcanum item. You can keep it in the bank until you find a piece of gear worth using it on or use it right away. Popular belief is that the tier 2 librams (DM librams) are not worth the cost due to the inflated price of Pristine Black Diamonds and competition for materials usually reserved to complete epic armor quests.
ZulGurub Head/Leg Enchant Materials
Presence of Sight
1x Primal Hakkari Girdle
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Mage
1x Libram of Focus
2x Skin of Shadows
4x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 18 to all healing and damage spells and 1% chance to hit with spells to a leg or head slot item.
Death's Embrace
1x Primal Hakkari Kassack
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Rogue
1x Libram of Rapidity
2x Blood of Hereos
2x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 28 Attack Power and 1% Dodge to a leg or head slot item.
Presence of Might
1x Primal Hakkari Aegis
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Warrior
1x Libram of Protection
1x Frayed Abomination Stitching
2x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 7 Defense, and 15 Shield Block value to a leg or head slot item.
Animist's Caress
1x Primal Hakkari Bindings
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Druid
1x Libram of Protection
1x Frayed Abomination Stitching
2x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 10 Intellect, and increases healing by up to 24 to a leg or head slot item.
Prophetic Aura
1x Primal Hakkari Tabard
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Priest
1x Libram of Focus
2x Skin of Shadow
4x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Use: Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 4 mana per 5 seconds, and increases healing by upto 24 to a leg or head slot item.
Hoodoo Hex
1x Primal Hakkari Armsplint
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Warlock
1x Libram of Focus
2x Skin of Shadow
4x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 10 Stamina and increases spell damage and healing by up to 18 to a leg or head slot item.
Falcon's Call
1x Primal Hakkari Stanchion
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Hunter
1x Libram of Rapidity
2x Blood of Heroes
2x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 24 Ranged Attack Power, 10 Stamina, and 1% Chance to Hit to a leg or head slot item.
Syncretist's Sigil
1x Primal Hakkari Shawl
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Paladin
1x Libram of Protection
1x Frayed Abomination Stitching
2x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 10 Stamina, 7 Defense, and increases healing by upto 24 to a leg or head slot item.
Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace
1x Primal Hakkari Sash
1x Punctured Voodoo Doll: Shaman
1x Libram of Focus
2x Skin of Shadow
4x Large Brilliant Shard
1x Pristine Black Diamond
Permanently adds 15 Intellect and increases all healing and spell damage by up to 13 to a leg or head slot item.
Hope this is useful to people.