Very , very , VERY long read. Strategies on the 3 dragons AFTER broodlord Lashlayer:
Wing Buffet: Frontal cone knockback (Aggro reducer).
Flame Buffet: Inflicts 139 - 161 Fire damage to an enemy and increases the Fire damage it takes by 150 for 60 seconds.
Shadow Flame: Inflicts 3938 - 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster (If the target doesnt have Onyxia Scale cloak, will receive a DoT that ticks for 2500, its a certain death.
Jarka gave me a nice tip which ill be adding here :
as seen in the screens below : healers are out of the LOS of teh nasty dragon : Ranged dps are best to use INSTANT cast shots or low casting time and then move OUT of LoS to wait for the Cds to be over....
Hereby healers have only 1 target to heal , mages with iceblock is a different story ofc :>
The Pull
Firemaw patrols through the entire room after Broodlord. The first thing you face after killing Broodlord is some of BWLs few trashmobs, how to kill those are explained in the BWL trashmob guide. Clear the pack in the doorway, since you are going to tank Firemaw there.
When that is done clear the pack on the right-hand side as well before pulling the boss.
Once that is done buff up get ready for Firemaw. Once the room is clear he should be an easy pull.
Inside the room view
Healer / Ranged Dps view
The fight
Once the pull is made the warrior needs to get Firemaw into position.
Firemaw should be facing the iron fence to the left of the Broodlord doorway. This position is chosen due to the knock back
Well be talking about this knockback for a while since its a potential raid wiper due to our placement. As shown in the picture the offtanks placement is strategically placed. Once Firemaw is about to do the Wing Buffet the offtank slaps him a taunt, if it gets resisted be papered for your secondary taunt, challenging shout, if successful the offtank should be knocked into Broodlords room and out of harms way. Now you cant always rely on this since they will both get resisted from time to time and the main tank will receive an occasional knockback that will displace Fremaw and put the entire raid in danger.
Firemaw screenie 1
Firemaw Screenie 2
The rest of the raid should be standing diagonally in alignment with the main tank through the doorway as shown in the picture, this will make it so that the healers can line-of-sight the Flame Buffet and still be able to reach the tank, now as mentioned before the main tank will receive an occasional knockback from time to time changing Firemaws postion, at that time the healers will be hit by the Flame Buffet, there is nothing to do about it other than either moving out of sight or wait until the MT has him in position again.
The ranged DPS will stand with the healers, until firemaw is around 40%; there is no way for them to legitimately LoS (Line of Sight) the Flame Buffet so they have to run out in the Flame Buffet, hit him as much as they can and LoS it again and wait for its timer to run out, and go out again.
Once Firemaw is at 40% move into the next room way back to the right, there you can hide behind a little wall and still reach Firemaw. This is done due to MT getting knockbacks putting him lower on the hate list, this ensures that if he loses agro the healers wont get the Shadowflame, no one else except for the main tank, and occasionally the offtank and rogues, should be hit by Shadowflame. We cant underline this enough its VERY important for everyone to have their Onyxia Cloak equipped, especially for the close combat classes. It isnt a vital part in the raid but we STRONGLY recommend that everyone uses it for the first few tries.
For the close combat classes, there isnt anything else to do other than to have a very nice fire resistance gear. With that still, the close combat classes will occasionally have to run out to get healed//get rid of the flame buffet, and jump into the fight again.
Key item in this fight is fire resistance, all the tanks should have 315 or higher fire resistance it will otherwise be impossible to keep up your tank since the dot can stack up to 50 times, and then dealing 7500 dmg each tick.
Shadow Flame: Inflicts 3938 - 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster (If the target doesnt have Onyxia Scale cloak, will receive a DoT that ticks for 2500, its a certain death).
Wing Buffet: Frontal cone knockback. (Aggro reducer).
Shadow of Ebonroc: Puts a curse on the target that make Ebonroc heal for 25,000 HP each time he hits the cursed target (Cant be dispelled in any way or form). It can be resisted a Shadow Resistance of at least 240 is recommend you will see a resist rate of about 70/80% of all the attempts of him putting the curse on the tank. Duration 8 sec.
The Pull
Before even being able to pull Ebonroc youre going to have to clear out A LOT of trashmobs. Suggestion is to read through the trashmobs guides (will be added soon :>) so that your raid knows what to expect from these mobs. Once that is done get a hunter to pull him with his pet to the alcove shown in the picture.
The fight
The key to this fight is your tanks, youre going to have to use them all to counter the Shadow of Ebonroc. As soon as the MT has him in position and under control, the rest of the tanks go in along with the rogues. Each time the main tank gets the Shadow of Ebonroc one of the offtanks taunts him, if that gets resisted the next tank taunts and so on, now the taunt only lasts for 6 second and the curse is 8 seconds. Now you can choose to have a taunting rotation to minimize the amount of hits the main tank receive while he has the curse, or you are natural born killers and have a feeling for it already. We strongly recommend that you assign a taunt rotation with a minimum of 3 tanks. But within the first encounters you should use all taunters available, even druids if necessary.
Since its a taunt frenzy the Wing buffet doesnt really matter that much in this fight unless the ranged dps catches the agro in which case you are in real trouble.
This is a sensitive fight and everyone should be 110% clear on their position and know how to play their class.
The healers should be wide awake and see which of the tanks has the aggro since he will be switching very fast and all the tanks will require healing.
Our first kill took us approx 25 min and he healed for an amazing amount of health. But once you get the rhythm, this fight shouldnt take more than 8 10 min.
VERY much alike Firemaw :> Posting anyway , little difference :
Wing Buffet: Frontal cone knock back. (Aggro reducer).
Enrage: Flamegor gets enraged at which point he does an AoE that if very similar to Firemaws Flame Buffet, except it does not stack but is direct fire damage.
Shadow Flame: Inflicts 3938 - 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster. (If the target doesnt have Onyxia Scale cloak, will receive a DoT that ticks for 2500, its a certain death.
Inside the room DPS view.
Outside the room Ranged/Healer view.
The fight
As mentioned above this fight is so similar to the Firemaw fight that we use the same positioning and tactics, with the addition of hunters tranquilising him when he gets enraged.
Once youve done the firemaw fight and have it under control, this fight should be a walk in the park.
And Daeron, i suggest you dont : Aggro-ceiling remember?
if not go read plovs post 0o