Since we moved to our new webserver, myself and MS have been working on a variety of projects with the aim of improving upon and expanding the functionality of the website. Today we're happy to announce the launch of the first of those projects - a revamp of our Screenshot System.
We've replaced the old 'popup' system of browsing our screenshots with a Lightbox system for both the "Screenshot of the Day" and the Gallery itself. The size of image thumbnails have been increased alongside this in order to bring them into 'widecreen format', and the means of switching between different Groups' screenshots within the Gallery has also been completely redeveloped allowing for much easier browsing and filtering down to what you want to look at.
We've also dug around and unearthed some new screenshots that were not included in the old system - all of which have now been added into the Gallery. There are 155 new images, bringing the Gallery to a count of 591 images in total divided amongst our respective groups.
For those unaware, the Gallery can be reached here. All feedback on the new system is, as always, most welcome. Post it here if you have any, whether it's merely a comment, a bug that we've missed, or a suggestion for further improvements

Thanks go to MS for his help on this project, both in working to produce our new thumbnails and providing images/design assistance where necessary.
For now, I hope you enjoy the revamped Gallery. Keep your eyes open in the next few weeks though - as I say, we do have several other projects that should be rearing their heads sometime soon!