They currently have an Epic XP bonus in place so that you can level a toon just by doing the class quests.
I'm attempting to use this opportunity to get through classes I wouldn't have normally touched. (Smuggler et al)
The Republic Guild is still technically under the control of one of my toons so it is still classed as being fully subscribed, because my account is.
Unfortunately the Imperial Guild is classed as Free to Play, as my toon was removed from the Guildmaster postion, this will limit bank access etc.
From what I have seen of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion it looks like an online single player experience, almost a KOTOR 3.
It appears very PvE orientated.
Also with the expansion you can roll a level 60 character out of the bag, just for use with the expansion, but you wouldn't then be able to play the earlier content. I believe this is because of all the choices you make in the class storyline (1-60) and the level 60 'new' toon is almost virginal.
Anyway as I'm playing through the storylines, I may well be online in the coming months, so pop in and say Hi.