Aye, the house is easily covered so don't worry about that Anny
If you do want to make some gil though (and as someone without a full set of crafters/gatherers to make use of too) I would highly recommend joining as many EW trains as you can right now & take full advantage of the extra instances. They do admittedly take a lot longer atm due to the congestion but even if you're just doing 1 or 2 trains a day the gil you could potentially make from them will add up fast if you're doing all of the below:
- Don't sit on capped poetics, go spend them on things you can market like topsoil. Tis free money.
- Spend your uncapped Aphorism tomestones on crafting mats to sell on the MB when you've finished spending them on 570 gear for your alt jobs. Don't have them sit there going to waste as again, it's free money.
- Convert your clusters to materia and sell any you're not going to meld straight away.
- Keep spending your nuts on materia & again, sell what you're not going to use.
You may get more, but say you get 20 of each IX/X clusters during the train (+ doing the rest of the above), you could make over 800k (prices at the time of writing) just from that single train. Materia will still be profitable throughout the expansion (prices will go up & down - they're usually up around the time that new crafted sets/raid tiers are added) but this is the only time we'll see 36 mark trains so make the most of them if you can
If you got all of your EW shared FATEs to rank 3 you could buy & sell Bicolor Gemstone Vouchers too. That's 100k+ every 7-8 FATEs.