group news archive - neocron

Accounts Banned

Quote Odin:

"In the past couple months a hack has been passed around the neocron community. We do not tolerate such abuse of the game and as a result 45 accounts have been logged using such and have been permanently banned. We will continue to monitor such behaviour and take appropriate action. We are also monitoring other attempts made at a couple other systems mostly by packet manipulation. We are in discussion as to what to do with those caught in the future attempting such. This post will be the only warning given."

Terra announcement

"Upon closer investigation we've ascertained that the problems with the Terra server occurred during the period of downtime and are not ongoing. This means that a database rollback will not be required. We are currently investigating whether the character model issues can be fixed in a single operation, but if not our GM team now have the tools to fix them on an individual basis.

If we cannot resolve the character problems automatically we will ask you to report any corrupt character(s) you may have to the helpdesk so we can schedule a GM to visit you for reconstructive surgery. More details will be given as and when we complete the investigation."

PayByCash Update

Nid has posted an announcement today in regards to the PayByCash system:

"Our intention is to complete the PayByCash integration by middle of this month. While we are not able to give you an exact date, we can assure you that it remains a high priority for us and are making every effort to bring this crucial second payment option on-line as soon as possible."

NC2 Christmas quiz now over

The NC2 Christmas quiz has now ended!

The winners and the correct answers will be announced in the next few days.

Patch Notes #123 & #124


- Heavy-Combateye 3 is now obtainable ingame

- Willpower LoM pill now looks like other INT based LoM's

- Fixed Drone-Combateye 2's TL to proper 41, Was TL14


- Removed All new Shotgun Rares from Smugglers & changed current ones to Milky Rens

- Fixed A&W 'Burning Air' Plasma Wave Shot sound from Gatlin to Plasma Wave

- Slightly Reduced Healing Light Damage

- Slightly Reduced Juggernaut Crossbow Pistol Damage

- Turned all CopBot Rifles into Broken Implants

- Test Vendor Drones are now Milky Rens

- added Weapon sounds for the new weapon-group (still not researchable, but patched)


- Herbal Mission Plants no longer moveable.

- Intrusion Countermeasure Daemon v1.1.1's Range, & Damage has been halved

- Intrusion Countermeasure Daemon v2.2.2's Range has been halved


- Black Dragon, Tsunami & Pheonix HackNet Databases fixed


- Added new Hacknet-dungeons all over Neocron and DOY

- Added a Hacknet-Dungeon to Area MC5

- Added Citycom to Faction DNS

- Added data-fragments

- Added some Sounds

- Added new HackNet player models

- Added some new actors

- Accessquest added which gives access to the new secret databases that are containing some of the new rare parts. The starter NPC is Frank Ferguson and can be found outside the Hacknet.

- Added Hack boosters 1/2/3 (they work like PSI boosters)


- Added more guards in the ProtoPharm HQ near the Gene Replicator


- TerminalInfoPolitics: Faction-Election reactivated, next election should be 2779-02-01 (NMT)

Code fixes:

- disabled display of attached weapons in HackNet

- reduced HackNet viewport hovering effect to 25%

- reduced HackNet move speed for players to 60%

- doubled HackNet player movement friction

- fixed some HackNet enemy/weapon sounds

- D3D9Drv: improved character/NPC animations on hardware with limited shader support (e.g. Geforce 3 / VS 1.1). This invalidates the geometry cache, forcing new precaching pass after the patch.

- D3D9Drv: fixed possible crash bug in mesh loader

PayByCash - Just around the corner!

Quoted from Nidhogg (13 Dec):

"We're HOPING to get PBC for new customers up and running this week, with account upgrades coming soon(TM) after. I'll say "this is me putting my COTB to give you some information that may change so please don't kill me if Friday comes and PBC still isn't ready", but I know you'll still kill me anyway. Seriously, you have to accept that you can't have it both ways - we either give you information in advance with the risk that it might not go as planned, or we keep our mouths shut. I'm of the opinion that it's better to share. We really are trying for this week, I can't say fairer than that."

Hacknet week - new hacknet player/weapon models

KK have just released 2 rendered screenshots of 2 new hacknet models.

First one is the new models for firstperson weapons inside of hacknet, the second one is a screenshot of what the new character models will look like inside hacknet.

The player models will differ accordingly to your gender and your factionloyalty (female/male - DOY/NC/neutral)

For more information and to view the screenshots, please visit the official themeweek forum here:

Transferring Neocron 1 Accounts

There have been rumors that Neocron 1 accounts can only be transferred until the end of the year. This is not correct, Neocron 1 accounts will remain transferrable for a long time.

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