Travelling in FFXI

Chocobo, wark!

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Travelling in FFXI

PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:52 pm

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Certainly the cheapest, also the slowest.

In certain places (Selbina, for instance) there are actual water born ferries. The Selbina-Mhaura Ferry is the way you get over to the part of the world where Windhurst is, its a long trip, 10-15 minutes, and you may have to wait for the boat to arrive. While on the boat, several dangerous things can happen. Pirates can attack, which are I believe largely level 40 mobs. At night, Bogies (undead) spawn on deck, I think these are level 25 or 30, and occasionally, a level 60 Squid will spawn, called teh Sea Horror.

If you travel by boat, go with a high level, or take sneak oils or prism powders, or just be careful and let other people go up the stairs first. If you can make it to the pilot house, you'll be safe for the trip and still get a view. The boat is a great place to improve fishing skill.

Teleport Crystals-
There are teleport crystals scattered throughout the world. The three main ones are in each of the intermediate zones (right outside each city newbie zone); La Theine Plateau, Konschtat (sp?) Highlands and Tahrongi Canyon. The crystals themselves are on platforms attached to the crags (huge structures made of bonelike material). To use you these, you must visit the crag once, and examine the crystal to get a "Key Item." Once you have the gate crystal, any white mage level 36 or above can teleport you and 4 other folks to that crag. Its a great shortcut to the other kingdoms, especially if you don't have an airship pass. There is a chocobo salesman at each crag too, so its common to tele there, and choco the rest of the way. The chocos are ALOT more expensive at the crags though.

There are other crystals in the outlands, Altepa, Xarcabard, and one of hte Kazham Jungles. Those are harder to get to (level 25-30 for the desert and the jungle, 30+ to get to Xarcarbard). You can get the first three at level 10 (solo if you are careful, but you have us, you don't need to do it solo).

At level 20, you can get a chocobo license. Its an annoying quest (another post) and you have to be in Jeuno to get it, which can be a dangerous walk at 20. Once you have it, you can rent a choco in any of the main cities, at the teleport crags, and in some outland towns (Kazham and Rabao, for instance).

Once you get your next job to level 15, you can start taking chocobos from teh main kingdoms. The crags and Jeuno require you to be level 20. Its a nice reward when you get to 15 and don;t have to walk to the dunes. You cannot be aggrod on chocos and at level 20+ they last like 30 minutes. If you ride at level 15, expect it to last only 15 minutes-ish.

Outpost Warps-
When you talk to a gate guard who gives you signet, he will also tell you about supply runs. These involve going to a zone your country controls and delivering a key item"Outpost Supplies." You get Conquest Points for this, and more importantly, once you complete a supply run to an outpost, you can have an NPC in your home city teleport you to that outpost (and the vendor NPC at the outpost teleport you to your home city) for a fee. So even if you country loses control of htat outpost, you can still be warped there. Outposts in your control cost less to travel to. Also, this ability will not be available to you below level 20, and some outposts require you to be higher level before it will show up as an option (Cape Terrigan requires you to be 65+ to be able to teleport there). If you can solo to the controlled zone, do these as they become available. They are by FAR the fastest way to get around.

Kazham Airship-
At lvel 25, we need to help you farm some keys, which will let you get an airhsip pass to Kazham, where people typically level from 25-30ish. Its just like the other airships, it leaves from Jeuno's port, but you can access it MUCH earlier in your career (and by some accounts, NEED it to level past 25). Airships take about 5 minutes travel time, and land in the destination port city (so its not dumping you into angry mobs).

Last, but not least, Airships. To get an airhsip pass, you must progress through the story to Rank 5, or have an extra 500k lying around. Airships leave from each city port and arrive in Jeuno. and then return to that city port. There are no direct flights between cities.

We can power through the rank missions at 30, but the higher the better.

That's it, those are the basic ways to travel.

Getting to your home point is another matter, you have three options:

1) Travel by one of hte above mechanisms.
2) Go out and aggro a mob and die and then HP.
3) Find a level 40 Black Mage and have them cast "Warp II" (also known as "D2") on you.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:43 pm

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Guess I should stop procrastinating the outpost supply runs <.< ... >.>

So many things to do, so much time to do it in.

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