The Roll of a druid
I'm not going to cover the generic balance/resto/feral rolls here, whatever the spec of a druid, you are still a multi faceted, you are not a strict hybrid, you are the king of versatility, able to fulfill roles on the fly - mid fight.
If your a druid reading this, and you don't know what a MultiRole druid is, i'll put it in simple terms. You probably played like one from level 1 to 55, then you probably respecced to resto as most people did, got to molten core in an assamble of wildheart and +healing blues and the rank 4 healing touch abuse ensured
Now I'm not saying that resto druids are a bad idea. It can be argued that in a highly organised raid, resto druids will help further raid progression more than other builds. This is simply down to game mechanics, too few healer classes and the style of druid healing complimenting the other classes very well. With talents like swiftmend, and the improved HoT's a druid healer is very powerful and desired by endgame raids more than any other druid spec.
It should be noted however, that this is not all a druid can do, and as instances get to farm status multi-roll druids start to shine. But everybody needs to be aware that if a druid does go bear, it's usually because the shit has hit the fan.
This is an excellent link by Sahrokh. It's a long post and contains some great information on what MultiRole druids really are, how druids should be played in raids whatever the spec. This post contains valuable information for not only druids, but people who should try harder to understand what a druid is all about. ... post124287
Druid Info Updated 24/07/06
Moderator: Global Moderators
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Last edited by base on Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:03 am, edited 8 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Druid Equipment Lists
Since 1.8, the druid has become much more versatile. The gear in game now, and the future shows what blizzard intend the druid to be. Gear like Genesis for example and the druid pvp set are the best all round gear sets in the game.
You will never do a single role better than a class thats designed to do that role, you will never out-damge damage classes, you will never out tank tank classes, and you will never out-heal healing classes. You will however, tank more than priests, heal more than rogues, and generally, you will be doing all these things in the same fight, adapting and shifting as the fight progresses to fill gaps in the raid and make things run smoother and faster.
The Druid Weapons
Hammer of Bestial Fury
Main Hand Mace
69 - 130 Damage Speed 1.90
(52.4 damage per second)
90 Armor
+13 Strength
+12 Stamina
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: +154 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only
A Mace obtained from the 4 Dragons, good drop chance and a stunning weapon, probably the easiest druid specific weapon to get. Pure feral stats, and great armor and atp values.
Mace of Unending Life
Main Hand Mace
67 - 149 Damage Speed 2.60
(41.5 damage per second)
+9 Strength
+7 Agility
+10 Stamina
+11 Intellect
Classes: Druid
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 40.
Equip: +140 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only.
A weapon obtained with an exulted status with Cenarion Circle - which is no easy task, you also need several drops from AQ20, but nothing thats not easily obtainable before you finish grinding rep. This mace has no armor, but some int and healing/spell damage which makes it a great all round choice.
Blessed Qiraji War Hammer
One-Hand Mace
89 - 166 Damage Speed 2.10
(60.7 damage per second)
70 Armor
+10 Strength
+12 Stamina
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: +280 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only.
Equip: Increased Defense +8.
Less Stats and armor than the bestial fury, but more than compensated by that attack power and extra defense. You'll need to be in AQ for this quite rare drop, and you'll be bidding against other casters and priests for the other choices of weapon from the hand in. Save 300 DKP for this amazing item.
The End of Dreams
One-Hand Mace
44 - 120 Damage Speed 1.90
(43.5 damage per second)
+18 Stamina
+18 Intellect
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 95.
Equip: +305 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only.
Equip: Restores 7 mana per 5 sec.
No - you priests and paladins can't have this mace - not until every druid in the world has one first.Finally a druid mace that drops in an instance, from a boss, the first without hoop jumping, rep grinding and crazy random world spawns - it's almost legendary.
More weapon discussion can be found in this thread, until I sort out a way to fit them into this thread: ... php?t=2045
The Equip lists from the wow forums, a superb resource ... #post42525
Nerf Druids Gear list
Quutar's Gear list
Guide to Druid Idols - By Eluno ... post170069
Since 1.8, the druid has become much more versatile. The gear in game now, and the future shows what blizzard intend the druid to be. Gear like Genesis for example and the druid pvp set are the best all round gear sets in the game.
You will never do a single role better than a class thats designed to do that role, you will never out-damge damage classes, you will never out tank tank classes, and you will never out-heal healing classes. You will however, tank more than priests, heal more than rogues, and generally, you will be doing all these things in the same fight, adapting and shifting as the fight progresses to fill gaps in the raid and make things run smoother and faster.
The Druid Weapons
Hammer of Bestial Fury
Main Hand Mace
69 - 130 Damage Speed 1.90
(52.4 damage per second)
90 Armor
+13 Strength
+12 Stamina
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: +154 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only
A Mace obtained from the 4 Dragons, good drop chance and a stunning weapon, probably the easiest druid specific weapon to get. Pure feral stats, and great armor and atp values.
Mace of Unending Life
Main Hand Mace
67 - 149 Damage Speed 2.60
(41.5 damage per second)
+9 Strength
+7 Agility
+10 Stamina
+11 Intellect
Classes: Druid
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 40.
Equip: +140 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only.
A weapon obtained with an exulted status with Cenarion Circle - which is no easy task, you also need several drops from AQ20, but nothing thats not easily obtainable before you finish grinding rep. This mace has no armor, but some int and healing/spell damage which makes it a great all round choice.
Blessed Qiraji War Hammer
One-Hand Mace
89 - 166 Damage Speed 2.10
(60.7 damage per second)
70 Armor
+10 Strength
+12 Stamina
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: +280 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only.
Equip: Increased Defense +8.
Less Stats and armor than the bestial fury, but more than compensated by that attack power and extra defense. You'll need to be in AQ for this quite rare drop, and you'll be bidding against other casters and priests for the other choices of weapon from the hand in. Save 300 DKP for this amazing item.
The End of Dreams
One-Hand Mace
44 - 120 Damage Speed 1.90
(43.5 damage per second)
+18 Stamina
+18 Intellect
Durability 105 / 105
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 95.
Equip: +305 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only.
Equip: Restores 7 mana per 5 sec.
No - you priests and paladins can't have this mace - not until every druid in the world has one first.Finally a druid mace that drops in an instance, from a boss, the first without hoop jumping, rep grinding and crazy random world spawns - it's almost legendary.
More weapon discussion can be found in this thread, until I sort out a way to fit them into this thread: ... php?t=2045
The Equip lists from the wow forums, a superb resource ... #post42525
Nerf Druids Gear list
Quutar's Gear list
Guide to Druid Idols - By Eluno ... post170069
Last edited by base on Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:07 pm, edited 10 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Druid Mods
Druid Bar
Druid Bar is a movable mana bar that keeps track of your current mana, even in a shapeshifted form like bear or cat. remember that this addon is an estimation of your mana, and it could be slightly higher or lower depending on your level
For druid - this is a really really great mod.
Druid Func 2
DruidFunc is a collection of useful scripts that make your life as a druid easier and better.
For Druid - lots of scripts, including binding shifts and skills to keys
This is a mod to make swapping equipment easier. You add equipment slots to a bar and mouseover on the bar will create a menu of all items in your bags that can go in that slot.
For Druid - Change gear automatically on shifts, and save sets to change with one click, very handy.
Meow Mix
Extensive macro list, key binds and healing buffing helpers - some pro things here.
CountMoon (Druid Edition)
Timers and indicators for dots. bleeds and debuffs
A healing helper for druids - still in development but worth keeping an eye on especially for druids that are learning to heal in a raid enviroment.
Druid Bar
Druid Bar is a movable mana bar that keeps track of your current mana, even in a shapeshifted form like bear or cat. remember that this addon is an estimation of your mana, and it could be slightly higher or lower depending on your level
For druid - this is a really really great mod.
Druid Func 2
DruidFunc is a collection of useful scripts that make your life as a druid easier and better.
For Druid - lots of scripts, including binding shifts and skills to keys
This is a mod to make swapping equipment easier. You add equipment slots to a bar and mouseover on the bar will create a menu of all items in your bags that can go in that slot.
For Druid - Change gear automatically on shifts, and save sets to change with one click, very handy.
Meow Mix
Extensive macro list, key binds and healing buffing helpers - some pro things here.
CountMoon (Druid Edition)
Timers and indicators for dots. bleeds and debuffs
A healing helper for druids - still in development but worth keeping an eye on especially for druids that are learning to heal in a raid enviroment.
Last edited by base on Thu May 25, 2006 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
General Druid Sites
Druid IRC channel
Yeah we have a wow druids IRC channel, I've not been going there for long but it seems ok, and the people are friendly.
Server :
Channel : #eu-druids
Druid IRC channel
Yeah we have a wow druids IRC channel, I've not been going there for long but it seems ok, and the people are friendly.
Server :
Channel : #eu-druids
Last edited by base on Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Druid Specs
WoWwiki Druid talent analasys
Nerf Druids - Popular talent Specs
Feral Spec Talent overview ... post112571
WoWwiki Druid talent analasys
Nerf Druids - Popular talent Specs
Feral Spec Talent overview ... post112571
Last edited by base on Mon May 15, 2006 4:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Druid Movies
N E V E R - from two of my fav druids.
Movie made by Eric "Ferahgo" Petersen and Mathijs "Boro" Beemsterboer - From US and Eu servers respectively.
Keeper - Rank 13 druid pvp movie.
Feral Druid PVP - lots of shifting, good fights.
Druid tanking nefarion - from Cepton and Boro
Ceptons gear -
Rubix 2 - and oldie but a goodie shows a class with so much promise.
A Druids tale - Back in the days of wildheart - still well worth watching
N E V E R - from two of my fav druids.
Movie made by Eric "Ferahgo" Petersen and Mathijs "Boro" Beemsterboer - From US and Eu servers respectively.
Keeper - Rank 13 druid pvp movie.
Feral Druid PVP - lots of shifting, good fights.
Druid tanking nefarion - from Cepton and Boro
Ceptons gear -
Rubix 2 - and oldie but a goodie shows a class with so much promise.
A Druids tale - Back in the days of wildheart - still well worth watching
Last edited by base on Mon May 15, 2006 4:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Druid Guides and Info
Guide to soloing Mother Smolderweb - By Boro
This is a right of passage for any recent 60 druid, completing this test insures you really understand what your capable of, and that you have the beginnings of the gear setup needed for endgame druid play. ... #post56474
Guide to soloing Attunement to the core - by Aranis
Simple really, a stealth run with lava hoping ... #post81984
Everything you wanted to know about bear tanks - by Alterreality
This post is huge, and contains a massive amount of information on bear tanks and comparisons between druid and warrior - very very good info. ... post781672
Druid Info - by Drakkdude
Comprehensive and factual druid info covers everything from +healing and mana regen to diminishing returns on armor and feral gear ... post702194
Guide to soloing Mother Smolderweb - By Boro
This is a right of passage for any recent 60 druid, completing this test insures you really understand what your capable of, and that you have the beginnings of the gear setup needed for endgame druid play. ... #post56474
Guide to soloing Attunement to the core - by Aranis
Simple really, a stealth run with lava hoping ... #post81984
Everything you wanted to know about bear tanks - by Alterreality
This post is huge, and contains a massive amount of information on bear tanks and comparisons between druid and warrior - very very good info. ... post781672
Druid Info - by Drakkdude
Comprehensive and factual druid info covers everything from +healing and mana regen to diminishing returns on armor and feral gear ... post702194
Last edited by base on Thu May 25, 2006 10:29 pm, edited 6 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
About myself and this thread.
I've played a druid since the UK beta of WOW, and was the first level 60 druid in SSX, the third level 60 in the guild. The first band of original level 60's to travel through wow sort of refer to ourselves as the old school. We were the ones that did the tier 0 instances for the first time. Scholomance, Start, BRD BRS (Dire Maul didn't exists at this point in time). We learnt these instances from scratch much like we do as a guild in BWL, AQ now.
We worked hard for our wildheart, in pugs and endless repeats, and then, give or take a few months of just playing - we then went to Molten Core in our assorted blues, and we learnt that as well.
I love my druid, no matter how few a percentage on the servers play this misunderstood and under represented class, it truly offers me an experience that no other class can match. I have over 100 days played at level 60, and have respecced more times than I would like to think about.
This thread came into being when I was voted in as the druid class leader, and although I gave that up when I thought I was being forced to leave wow (which turned out not to be the case) I still feel that I have a duty to keep to those people that voted for me, and regardless of title, I will always be there to help and support the druids in wow, This thread provides a gateway to knowledge and support for druids, it's all out there and all i've done is provided a collection point for what I think is relevant and useful.
If you have anything that you wish to see added, or changed please post and i'll put it in the list.
Recent Changes
Druid Gear section updated
Druid Guides section updated
Druid Mods updated
Druid Guides section updated
Druid Guides section added
Movie list updated
Please feel free to submit your own druid info to this thread.
I've played a druid since the UK beta of WOW, and was the first level 60 druid in SSX, the third level 60 in the guild. The first band of original level 60's to travel through wow sort of refer to ourselves as the old school. We were the ones that did the tier 0 instances for the first time. Scholomance, Start, BRD BRS (Dire Maul didn't exists at this point in time). We learnt these instances from scratch much like we do as a guild in BWL, AQ now.
We worked hard for our wildheart, in pugs and endless repeats, and then, give or take a few months of just playing - we then went to Molten Core in our assorted blues, and we learnt that as well.
I love my druid, no matter how few a percentage on the servers play this misunderstood and under represented class, it truly offers me an experience that no other class can match. I have over 100 days played at level 60, and have respecced more times than I would like to think about.
This thread came into being when I was voted in as the druid class leader, and although I gave that up when I thought I was being forced to leave wow (which turned out not to be the case) I still feel that I have a duty to keep to those people that voted for me, and regardless of title, I will always be there to help and support the druids in wow, This thread provides a gateway to knowledge and support for druids, it's all out there and all i've done is provided a collection point for what I think is relevant and useful.
If you have anything that you wish to see added, or changed please post and i'll put it in the list.
Recent Changes
Druid Gear section updated
Druid Guides section updated
Druid Mods updated
Druid Guides section updated
Druid Guides section added
Movie list updated
Please feel free to submit your own druid info to this thread.
Last edited by base on Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- base
- Posts: 524
- Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:35 am
- Location: wales uk
Updating this thread a bit today, if anybody has any more info to go in, now would be a good time to tell me 
