A collection for SSX-Hawk's Online Baby Shower

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A collection for SSX-Hawk's Online Baby Shower

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:46 pm

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As many of you may know, our very own SSX-Hawk is having a baby! Seeing as how we here at The SSX are very much community driven, what's more normal than a Baby Shower for a freind that's off to have a little one? So that's what we're doing!

Everyone that can afford to donate a couple of bucks/quid to the Baby Shower Fund, please do so! The easiest way to contribute is via PayPal - Send the money over to Inquisitor at edg@deckersds.com and email him saying you did (his PayPal Notifier is spam filtered). Even if it's only $5, please chip in, kids are very expensive!

If you can't do PayPal, try Hawks Amazon Wishlist:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/babyr ... 81-6270239

Don't worry, we won't go telling everyone how much you chipped in, but you will be added to the list of contributors :) (unless you ask not to be).

In a month's time, the total will be added together and sent directly to SSX-Hawk. The only thing we ask in return is lots of pictures of the Hawklet! :D

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Last edited by esd on Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
""I like my women like I like my coffee. In a plastic cup.""

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:06 pm

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Crazee Eight
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I expect I'll give a gift in person this fall. :)
- Khadan - 60 Dwarf Hunter
- Sindel - 60 Human Warlock

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:36 am

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thank you all so very much for doing this. you have no idea how very much it's appreciated *big hug for everyone*

and there most definitely will be lots of pics of Baby Hawk :D
In exile a home has been found.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:32 pm

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About 80 bucks so far.

I have also asked Hawk to create an Amazon (or equivalent) wishlist, so folks without PayPal can contribute :)
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:43 pm

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Amazon link added to initial post.
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:11 am

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. . . so when do we get an update on how her collection is doing? Got me on pins and needles here!

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:32 pm

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about 80 bucks total plus whatever I donate.

Now we just need to get her online and go shopping ;)
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