A little Hunter guide
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- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
I was bored at work and wrote this, i thought maybe if we decide to try for the guild recognition thing then this could maybe be part of it. Now I apologise for any inaccuracies & please feel free to query anything or flame if you must, Im not trying to claim I know it all just passing on what Ive picked up & if anybody has anything to add then please do
In pursuit of the deadliest prey
Well after playing as a hunter every night for nearly a year I picked up a few bits & tricks so I thought Id try and hammer a bit of a guide together to pass on some tips & tactics for both pvp & pve/raids.
Ok general pvp tips, spam freezing traps everywhere, put one down & stand on it before you start shooting, it makes things so much more tricky for melee trying to attack you whilst your attention is elsewhere rogues in particular will be annoyed at this & are much less of a threat as a ice cube, however if you are playing AV and getting pushed back then use Frost traps to slow the horde zerg and give your reinforcements a chance to catch up. IF you are defending a flag in AB then lay a freezing trap on the flag & remember to fight at the flag, dont get tunnel vision & run off chasing somebody then get jumped by more horde or leave the flag un-defended. Remember that as long as you are not dotted and youre pet is not in combat either then you can feign death out of combat to lay more traps & although you can only have one trap at a time you can lay another trap while something is frozen, I will explain this more in chain freeze-trapping later.
Now against each class
these tend to die easy but can be a pain, if they give you problems make sure you have some grenades if youre a engineer or e-zthrow 2 if not as a good mage will try & frost nova you & sit inside your minimum range but either a scattershot or a nade can make this really difficult for them, if you get the drop on them and have a little time then I recommend a Aimed shot followed by a concussion & multi also make sure you keep your pet on them for the spell interrupt. If a mage has his frost ward up then they have a good chance of resisting your freezing trap but lay 1 anyway as there resist is not foolproof, even if it does not get them it can be useful to stop other melee trying to interrupt your fight.
Similar to mages best tactic tends to be hit them hard and fast, more susceptible to freezing if you can, if they use a succubus on you make your pet attack the succy to break its hold, depending on there build they can have a immense amount of HP and if they are giving you problems then I recommend using rapid fire & devilsaur eye if you have it.
Now these should be your main targets, a group of horde come at you then try for that priest, hit him/her with viper to rinse his mana, use your pet & any skills you have to try & interrupt his healing and again rapid fire & devilsaur eye to give them the hard goodbye, if you are well kitted and get the drop on them a Aimedshot/multi combo can often 2 shot them if either of them crit. Shadow priests are more tricks as they can dot so nasty & I will often kill them and have there dots kill me soon after, just go all out on them.
Now as Im a Dorf my only experience fighting pallys is duels but these are pretty easy, just try & freeze them then hit with aimed/multi/concuss/viper combos (yes they can remove the viper but it gets some of their mana before they get to it) and apart from that dash in, wing clip then kite them around, can take a while but they tend to go down.
Chain frost traps FTW!! A good hunter with a little luck should be able to kill a warrior without him getting a hit in & here is how, first off make sure you have a freezing trap layed, the warrior charges you & becomes a ice cube, get to maximum range the FD and lay another freezing trap then aimed, comcussive, multi, scorpid (scorpid is the only sting which will not break traps & so can be immensely useful) when he gets to you he will freeze again get back to man range, now your FD will still be on cooldown and if you wait the trap will break before its ready so instead repeat the aimed, comcussive, multi and another scorpid if you need it then scatter shot by now your fd cooldown should be up so use it & lay another freezing trap if the warrior is not already dead. Now all this depends on you not being dotted and if you are using your pet with this make sure he is on passive so he does not break the traps.
Really hard fight, just keep up really high dps on them & though they can cleanse it try & keep viper on them, again rapidfire & devilsaur eye (I love this trinket :P) or Earthstike if you are lucky enough to have it. Apart from that not too much against them, you can try & kite then & deal as much dmg as possible. Also if they use cat form then put hunters mark on them to stop them from being able to slink around.
This is not as harder fight as everybody makes out, to be honest I prefer fighting shammys to droods, now these are freezable (unless they have a grounding totem down so make sure to shoot those fast), they cant remove your viper stings so drain their mana, apart from that hit em hard, you can even dash in and wingclip/raptor strike them and start kiting, with the totems target them and hit multi, your pet can also be used to break them in a emergency.
Now against a good stun-lock rogue in melee, unless you have remembered to be standing on your freezing trap you are probably dead, if you can catch them at range however they die so easy, always mark rogues, it stops them stealthing & draws attention to them, also sting them, Scorpid is my personal favourite as it makes them less dangerous & they can still be frozen, if they get you in a combo try & scattershot them, remember feign death breaks their combos too, apart from that try & keep range, kite them as much as possible. If you have your hunters mark on rogues can be hilarious as they sneak around thinking they are invisible yet you can still track them, if this happens send a aimed, multi, concuss, sting combo their way for a dead rogue, also use track hidden if you are having lots of rogue problems as it increases your stealth detectyou can also yell at a lock for the paranoia buff ^^
Solo PvE
First off same as in PvP lots of traps, they enable you to deal with groups nice & effectively for example lets say we have a mob of 2 units one ranged & one melee, mark the ranged then lay a freeze trap & tell your pet to attack the ranged, then aimed & multi the ranged, this should make the melee run towards you and get frozen in your trap, kill the ranged then get to max range & kill the melee too, remember to FD a lot but if you FD without your pet having any aggro then the thing you are trying to kill will run off & reset.
Against large elite things there are 2 tactics that I have found work well, the first is just to kite, very useful but you have to be careful with it so you dont pick up extra aggro, simply set your pet on a target, hit it with a aimed multi to draw aggro then have it follow you whilst you run (use aspect of the cheetah or not depending on the run speed of the thing you are trying to kite, also use concuss shots to keep it behind you, scattershot it to get range if it gets to close & just keep a serpent sting & your pet on him for most of the damage, hit it with arcane shots too & if you can get the time & safe space so it wont pull anything extra then a Multi shot too, a speed enchant on your boots can really help with kiting especially on the RG fight when you wont be using aspect of the cheetah (use aspect of the monkey instead.)
The second technique I use is very similar to dealing with warriors in PvP yet again Chain freezing trap FTW!! first off make sure you have a freezing trap layed and are at max range, mark the target & send your pet in & about the same time hit him with a aimed, concuss, multi you get aggro the add charges you & becomes a ice cube, get to maximum range the FD and lay another freezing trap then send your pet in again (as you have just fdd he should hold aggro for a bit but try & pull the add off him & into your trap so your pet does not take much dmg, if you have to heal or bandage your pet while the add is frozen) & aimed, concussive, multi, scorpid & when he gets to you he will freeze again get back to max range, now your FD will still be on cool-down and if you wait the trap will break before its ready so instead repeat the pet, aimed, concussive, multi and another scorpid if you need it then scatter shot by now your fd cool-down should be up so use it & lay another freezing trap if the add is not already dead. Now all this depends again on you not being dotted and make sure your pet is on passive so he does not break the traps.
Hunters in Raids
Now on raids your primary role is ranged dps, try and stick at max range & use just your arcane shot every cool down & your multishot ONLY when it is safe to do so, never use multi if there is a risk of pulling aggro or if there is anything sheeped, sapped, slept, trapped or otherwise incapacitatedit is a great shot and does good dmg (especially with the GS set bonus) but you have to be really, REALLY careful with it.
You should very, very rarely be using serpent sting, only when being zergd by lots of weak units but most of the time it is just a waste of a debuff slot and when all the hunters put it on it takes up 5-6 debuff slots & knocks useful debuffs like sunders etc off. Nearly everything in raids is immune to scorpid but if it is not then this is a nice debuff as is viper which is very useful in some fights but your hunter leader/mentor should tell you when to use viper and remember these two do not stack so it does not have the problem which serpent does.
You should be feigning death every time youre cool-down allows as this will keep resetting you to the bottom of the aggro list so you can rip away like there is no tomorrow without any risk of pulling aggro from the tanks. I tend to use my rapid fire and devilsaur eye after either my first or second feign depending on what Im fighting & how sensitive its aggro is and then every cool-down after. If your feign death is resisted then ease off your damage until the cool-down comes around again then try again & if you can FD that time you can start with heavy dps again.
If you are Tranqing then make sure you know the order, be in position and ready for your turn before the message, I have set my creature emotes to bright red so I can see when they are frenzying & dont have to wait for the rs spam also keep your head up & be aware & focused and prepared to movein the Mag fight its just the occasional fire that you have to avoid but in BWL there is much more dashing out between breaths to Tranq and these just require focus & practice to learn the timings. Also when tranqing do not worry about doing much other dps, the most important thing is to keep alive & save your mana for the tranq, do some damage if you can but dont take unnecessary risks.
In long boss fights you can FD out of combat & drink your mana back if necessary also remember you are low priority for heals, its much more important to keep those tanks & priests up so be prepared to bandage however if you stay at max range and FD a lot then you should take very little damage anyway.
In pursuit of the deadliest prey
Well after playing as a hunter every night for nearly a year I picked up a few bits & tricks so I thought Id try and hammer a bit of a guide together to pass on some tips & tactics for both pvp & pve/raids.
Ok general pvp tips, spam freezing traps everywhere, put one down & stand on it before you start shooting, it makes things so much more tricky for melee trying to attack you whilst your attention is elsewhere rogues in particular will be annoyed at this & are much less of a threat as a ice cube, however if you are playing AV and getting pushed back then use Frost traps to slow the horde zerg and give your reinforcements a chance to catch up. IF you are defending a flag in AB then lay a freezing trap on the flag & remember to fight at the flag, dont get tunnel vision & run off chasing somebody then get jumped by more horde or leave the flag un-defended. Remember that as long as you are not dotted and youre pet is not in combat either then you can feign death out of combat to lay more traps & although you can only have one trap at a time you can lay another trap while something is frozen, I will explain this more in chain freeze-trapping later.
Now against each class
these tend to die easy but can be a pain, if they give you problems make sure you have some grenades if youre a engineer or e-zthrow 2 if not as a good mage will try & frost nova you & sit inside your minimum range but either a scattershot or a nade can make this really difficult for them, if you get the drop on them and have a little time then I recommend a Aimed shot followed by a concussion & multi also make sure you keep your pet on them for the spell interrupt. If a mage has his frost ward up then they have a good chance of resisting your freezing trap but lay 1 anyway as there resist is not foolproof, even if it does not get them it can be useful to stop other melee trying to interrupt your fight.
Similar to mages best tactic tends to be hit them hard and fast, more susceptible to freezing if you can, if they use a succubus on you make your pet attack the succy to break its hold, depending on there build they can have a immense amount of HP and if they are giving you problems then I recommend using rapid fire & devilsaur eye if you have it.
Now these should be your main targets, a group of horde come at you then try for that priest, hit him/her with viper to rinse his mana, use your pet & any skills you have to try & interrupt his healing and again rapid fire & devilsaur eye to give them the hard goodbye, if you are well kitted and get the drop on them a Aimedshot/multi combo can often 2 shot them if either of them crit. Shadow priests are more tricks as they can dot so nasty & I will often kill them and have there dots kill me soon after, just go all out on them.
Now as Im a Dorf my only experience fighting pallys is duels but these are pretty easy, just try & freeze them then hit with aimed/multi/concuss/viper combos (yes they can remove the viper but it gets some of their mana before they get to it) and apart from that dash in, wing clip then kite them around, can take a while but they tend to go down.
Chain frost traps FTW!! A good hunter with a little luck should be able to kill a warrior without him getting a hit in & here is how, first off make sure you have a freezing trap layed, the warrior charges you & becomes a ice cube, get to maximum range the FD and lay another freezing trap then aimed, comcussive, multi, scorpid (scorpid is the only sting which will not break traps & so can be immensely useful) when he gets to you he will freeze again get back to man range, now your FD will still be on cooldown and if you wait the trap will break before its ready so instead repeat the aimed, comcussive, multi and another scorpid if you need it then scatter shot by now your fd cooldown should be up so use it & lay another freezing trap if the warrior is not already dead. Now all this depends on you not being dotted and if you are using your pet with this make sure he is on passive so he does not break the traps.
Really hard fight, just keep up really high dps on them & though they can cleanse it try & keep viper on them, again rapidfire & devilsaur eye (I love this trinket :P) or Earthstike if you are lucky enough to have it. Apart from that not too much against them, you can try & kite then & deal as much dmg as possible. Also if they use cat form then put hunters mark on them to stop them from being able to slink around.
This is not as harder fight as everybody makes out, to be honest I prefer fighting shammys to droods, now these are freezable (unless they have a grounding totem down so make sure to shoot those fast), they cant remove your viper stings so drain their mana, apart from that hit em hard, you can even dash in and wingclip/raptor strike them and start kiting, with the totems target them and hit multi, your pet can also be used to break them in a emergency.
Now against a good stun-lock rogue in melee, unless you have remembered to be standing on your freezing trap you are probably dead, if you can catch them at range however they die so easy, always mark rogues, it stops them stealthing & draws attention to them, also sting them, Scorpid is my personal favourite as it makes them less dangerous & they can still be frozen, if they get you in a combo try & scattershot them, remember feign death breaks their combos too, apart from that try & keep range, kite them as much as possible. If you have your hunters mark on rogues can be hilarious as they sneak around thinking they are invisible yet you can still track them, if this happens send a aimed, multi, concuss, sting combo their way for a dead rogue, also use track hidden if you are having lots of rogue problems as it increases your stealth detectyou can also yell at a lock for the paranoia buff ^^
Solo PvE
First off same as in PvP lots of traps, they enable you to deal with groups nice & effectively for example lets say we have a mob of 2 units one ranged & one melee, mark the ranged then lay a freeze trap & tell your pet to attack the ranged, then aimed & multi the ranged, this should make the melee run towards you and get frozen in your trap, kill the ranged then get to max range & kill the melee too, remember to FD a lot but if you FD without your pet having any aggro then the thing you are trying to kill will run off & reset.
Against large elite things there are 2 tactics that I have found work well, the first is just to kite, very useful but you have to be careful with it so you dont pick up extra aggro, simply set your pet on a target, hit it with a aimed multi to draw aggro then have it follow you whilst you run (use aspect of the cheetah or not depending on the run speed of the thing you are trying to kite, also use concuss shots to keep it behind you, scattershot it to get range if it gets to close & just keep a serpent sting & your pet on him for most of the damage, hit it with arcane shots too & if you can get the time & safe space so it wont pull anything extra then a Multi shot too, a speed enchant on your boots can really help with kiting especially on the RG fight when you wont be using aspect of the cheetah (use aspect of the monkey instead.)
The second technique I use is very similar to dealing with warriors in PvP yet again Chain freezing trap FTW!! first off make sure you have a freezing trap layed and are at max range, mark the target & send your pet in & about the same time hit him with a aimed, concuss, multi you get aggro the add charges you & becomes a ice cube, get to maximum range the FD and lay another freezing trap then send your pet in again (as you have just fdd he should hold aggro for a bit but try & pull the add off him & into your trap so your pet does not take much dmg, if you have to heal or bandage your pet while the add is frozen) & aimed, concussive, multi, scorpid & when he gets to you he will freeze again get back to max range, now your FD will still be on cool-down and if you wait the trap will break before its ready so instead repeat the pet, aimed, concussive, multi and another scorpid if you need it then scatter shot by now your fd cool-down should be up so use it & lay another freezing trap if the add is not already dead. Now all this depends again on you not being dotted and make sure your pet is on passive so he does not break the traps.
Hunters in Raids
Now on raids your primary role is ranged dps, try and stick at max range & use just your arcane shot every cool down & your multishot ONLY when it is safe to do so, never use multi if there is a risk of pulling aggro or if there is anything sheeped, sapped, slept, trapped or otherwise incapacitatedit is a great shot and does good dmg (especially with the GS set bonus) but you have to be really, REALLY careful with it.
You should very, very rarely be using serpent sting, only when being zergd by lots of weak units but most of the time it is just a waste of a debuff slot and when all the hunters put it on it takes up 5-6 debuff slots & knocks useful debuffs like sunders etc off. Nearly everything in raids is immune to scorpid but if it is not then this is a nice debuff as is viper which is very useful in some fights but your hunter leader/mentor should tell you when to use viper and remember these two do not stack so it does not have the problem which serpent does.
You should be feigning death every time youre cool-down allows as this will keep resetting you to the bottom of the aggro list so you can rip away like there is no tomorrow without any risk of pulling aggro from the tanks. I tend to use my rapid fire and devilsaur eye after either my first or second feign depending on what Im fighting & how sensitive its aggro is and then every cool-down after. If your feign death is resisted then ease off your damage until the cool-down comes around again then try again & if you can FD that time you can start with heavy dps again.
If you are Tranqing then make sure you know the order, be in position and ready for your turn before the message, I have set my creature emotes to bright red so I can see when they are frenzying & dont have to wait for the rs spam also keep your head up & be aware & focused and prepared to movein the Mag fight its just the occasional fire that you have to avoid but in BWL there is much more dashing out between breaths to Tranq and these just require focus & practice to learn the timings. Also when tranqing do not worry about doing much other dps, the most important thing is to keep alive & save your mana for the tranq, do some damage if you can but dont take unnecessary risks.
In long boss fights you can FD out of combat & drink your mana back if necessary also remember you are low priority for heals, its much more important to keep those tanks & priests up so be prepared to bandage however if you stay at max range and FD a lot then you should take very little damage anyway.
Last edited by Drongnel on Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Azula
- Posts: 86
- Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:19 pm
Nice guide! The only thing I would add is the following:
Pvp vs Rogues: I find dagger rogues far harder to beat than Sword rogues, this may be just through personal experience but I have never really had too many problems against sword rogues. Timing the use of scattershot is crucial against dagger rogues because if they get you into a stunlock scenario it is very difficult to get out of it
Pvp vs Rogues: I find dagger rogues far harder to beat than Sword rogues, this may be just through personal experience but I have never really had too many problems against sword rogues. Timing the use of scattershot is crucial against dagger rogues because if they get you into a stunlock scenario it is very difficult to get out of it
Azula - Night Elf Hunter Lvl 60 - Outland
Ariake - Human Mage Lvl 60 - Outland
Jingles - Dwarf Warrior Lvl 60 - Outland
Taera - Human Rogue Lvl 60 - Outland
Akikio - Caldari Destroyer Pilot - Eve
Ariake - Human Mage Lvl 60 - Outland
Jingles - Dwarf Warrior Lvl 60 - Outland
Taera - Human Rogue Lvl 60 - Outland
Akikio - Caldari Destroyer Pilot - Eve
- Posts: 777
- Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:16 pm
You automaticly gain this buff when a Felhunter is out and your in a party with the warlock, it's not a buff like detect invisibillity. Shouting at locks not in your party won't do you any good :PDrongnel wrote:
...as it increases your stealth detectyou can also yell at a lock for the paranoia buff ^^
Cool guide btw we should have more of these!
- Brittfire
- Posts: 291
- Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:17 am
nice drong, picked up a thing or 2 myself 
a tip to any hunter thats servival spec tho... dont be scared to melee :P
u'd be surprized by how hard u are in that shiny armour and gear !
always a good feeling when i finish of a rogue in melee. just dont go crazy tho, u'r still not as capiable as other classes, just use wisely to get u out of the thick of it, since in some cases, ur scatter is on cooldown, u my has a slowing effect preventing kiting or other such nusences! in this respect, i cant tell u how much i love deterance and counter attack, perfect for when ur in the deep end and want to get out as soon as possiable with out taking a beating!
i've tried to get as much slowing effects into my hunter build as possiable, things like improved concuss, improved wingclip and counter attack, while going for scatter as the perfect brakeout.
anyway, i've rambled enuff incoherant rubish today.
thanks again drong for the tips, compile it all and post it!

a tip to any hunter thats servival spec tho... dont be scared to melee :P
u'd be surprized by how hard u are in that shiny armour and gear !
always a good feeling when i finish of a rogue in melee. just dont go crazy tho, u'r still not as capiable as other classes, just use wisely to get u out of the thick of it, since in some cases, ur scatter is on cooldown, u my has a slowing effect preventing kiting or other such nusences! in this respect, i cant tell u how much i love deterance and counter attack, perfect for when ur in the deep end and want to get out as soon as possiable with out taking a beating!
i've tried to get as much slowing effects into my hunter build as possiable, things like improved concuss, improved wingclip and counter attack, while going for scatter as the perfect brakeout.
anyway, i've rambled enuff incoherant rubish today.
thanks again drong for the tips, compile it all and post it!

- Varanor / Dalaryna
- Posts: 126
- Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:41 pm
Ever heard of Blessing of Freedom? :PDrongnel wrote:
Now as Im a Dorf my only experience fighting pallys is duels but these are pretty easy, just try & freeze them then hit with aimed/multi/concuss/viper combos (yes they can remove the viper but it gets some of their mana before they get to it) and apart from that dash in, wing clip then kite them around, can take a while but they tend to go down.
Varanor 60 paladin.
Dalaryna 60 rogue.
Theradur 60 mage.
but my friends call me.. Kikkoman!
Dalaryna 60 rogue.
Theradur 60 mage.
but my friends call me.. Kikkoman!
- Caspae
- Posts: 431
- Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:50 pm
Nice one but Qd gave me a really nice tip on how to fight them pallys which you might consider
Viper sting (rank 1) : it has the same icon as all the other viper stings(Duh) but paladins will dispel it anyway.... Viper sting rank 1 costs less mana to cast then their dispel , so you can oom em even though it takes a while... Still hard to beat ... :<

Viper sting (rank 1) : it has the same icon as all the other viper stings(Duh) but paladins will dispel it anyway.... Viper sting rank 1 costs less mana to cast then their dispel , so you can oom em even though it takes a while... Still hard to beat ... :<
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
Yes but that can still take them a little time & has a 20 sec cool-down wheras you should constanly be trying to stun them, it does not take long to get to range & hit em hard again, anything that buys you a few seconds is good and as i said my pally fighting experience is more limited, maybe i have just been fighting pally's who don't know all the tricks but i have managed to freeze them & kite em pretty easily before.Ever heard of Blessing of Freedom? :P
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Plovske
- Posts: 468
- Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:59 pm
- Location: Mayrhofen, Austria
Now these should be your main targets

Now these should be your main targets

- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
HEHE you should be happy i rate you preisty's as so important that you need to die firstPriests
Now these should be your main targets![]()

'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Caspae
- Posts: 431
- Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:50 pm
preisties and shamans are EZ btw...
Just a bit of a manadrain interrupting one heal with scatter and in ab you mostly have a kill. Shamans can frostshock tho , in that case scatter feign death trap up get range aimed shot sting and boom headshot.well it sounds easier than it is and AB /AV/WSG is hardly 1vs 1 even if it starts as one , theres allways complications ... Still havent killed Gosha solo cuzz of that :< even mcing his friends telling them i wanted to 1vs 1 him didnt work !
Just a bit of a manadrain interrupting one heal with scatter and in ab you mostly have a kill. Shamans can frostshock tho , in that case scatter feign death trap up get range aimed shot sting and boom headshot.well it sounds easier than it is and AB /AV/WSG is hardly 1vs 1 even if it starts as one , theres allways complications ... Still havent killed Gosha solo cuzz of that :< even mcing his friends telling them i wanted to 1vs 1 him didnt work !
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
Yeah Priests are easy but when fighting in groups you would be suprised how many people waste time & mana trying to kill the tank rather than taking out the priest behind him who is keeping him up 

'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Crazee Eight
- Posts: 82
- Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:55 am
- Location: Bristol, UK
There are a few points in your post I simply cannot agree with.
Make sure you have your Insignia of the Alliance equipped.
They jump you, they'll probably try to keep you locked. Insignia out of the Kidney shot when you see it hit and scatter them, cheetah to range, ALWAYS MARK THEM (I cannot stress this enough) and lay a conc shot down, then multi, then serpent sting. and continue to run as much as you can, with or without cheetah, laying down fire. The reason serpent sting is so win is that it really stops them from vanishing. Any good rogue will be able to reach you while marked, run past you and vanish then quickly cheap shot or ambush. Bad news for you, you don't want to give them that opportunity. If they reach you, hit Deterrance and immobilise them as soon as possible. Stoneform their poison if you're a dwarf and get away again. Two solid rounds of shooting is enough to see any rogue dead.
Cleanse trumps your viper sting, which costs you more mana to cast than it does for him to cleanse, and any Paladin worth his salt will cleanse it before it ticks. Only way this'll work is if you manage to viper them during a heal. Plus he probably has at least 1k more mana than you do, unless he's a critadin like Reflex. Blessing Of Freedom screws you on the wing clip kiting, since when it's improved there's only a 3 sec gap where they're potentially vulnerable to slowing effects. Of course if they're spamming BoF it hurts their mana and means they can't use any other blessings, so no might for higher ap or wisdom for mp/5sec.Drongnel wrote:
Now as Im a Dorf my only experience fighting pallys is duels but these are pretty easy, just try & freeze them then hit with aimed/multi/concuss/viper combos (yes they can remove the viper but it gets some of their mana before they get to it) and apart from that dash in, wing clip then kite them around, can take a while but they tend to go down.
That's the lamest and more unsportsmanlike tactic ever. FD/Freeze trapping is fine once, when jumped. After that spamming them down is cheap, lame and really doesn't show skill at all I'm afraid.Drongnel wrote:
Chain frost traps FTW!! A good hunter with a little luck should be able to kill a warrior without him getting a hit in & here is how, first off make sure you have a freezing trap layed, the warrior charges you & becomes a ice cube, get to maximum range the FD and lay another freezing trap then aimed, comcussive, multi, scorpid (scorpid is the only sting which will not break traps & so can be immensely useful) when he gets to you he will freeze again get back to man range, now your FD will still be on cooldown and if you wait the trap will break before its ready so instead repeat the aimed, comcussive, multi and another scorpid if you need it then scatter shot by now your fd cooldown should be up so use it & lay another freezing trap if the warrior is not already dead. Now all this depends on you not being dotted and if you are using your pet with this make sure he is on passive so he does not break the traps.
Oh no, you got it alll wrong. Shamans CAN remove Viper Sting. I dunno how many you've fought but they can be total and utter bastards. True, there are many many " I FROST SHOCKZ AND EARTHBINDZ j00" noobs around, but a good shaman is incredibly difficult to beat. A good shaman will ghost wolf shift to catch you up if you try to cheetah kite him, will use grounding totems like you said to kill traps. Many are also incredibly good at staying at range and using mage-like powerup nukes. With the right spec and gear they can kill you and your pet in two chain lightnings. Tough call.Drongnel wrote:
This is not as harder fight as everybody makes out, to be honest I prefer fighting shammys to droods, now these are freezable (unless they have a grounding totem down so make sure to shoot those fast), they cant remove your viper stings so drain their mana, apart from that hit em hard, you can even dash in and wingclip/raptor strike them and start kiting, with the totems target them and hit multi, your pet can also be used to break them in a emergency.
Rogues in open pvp should be impossible to beat. Simply because they don't have to fight unless they want to. They can pick their moment, total opportunists. If they pick a bad moment, they're easy to deal with:Drongnel wrote:
Now against a good stun-lock rogue in melee, unless you have remembered to be standing on your freezing trap you are probably dead, if you can catch them at range however they die so easy, always mark rogues, it stops them stealthing & draws attention to them, also sting them, Scorpid is my personal favourite as it makes them less dangerous & they can still be frozen, if they get you in a combo try & scattershot them, remember feign death breaks their combos too, apart from that try & keep range, kite them as much as possible. If you have your hunters mark on rogues can be hilarious as they sneak around thinking they are invisible yet you can still track them, if this happens send a aimed, multi, concuss, sting combo their way for a dead rogue, also use track hidden if you are having lots of rogue problems as it increases your stealth detectyou can also yell at a lock for the paranoia buff ^^
Make sure you have your Insignia of the Alliance equipped.
They jump you, they'll probably try to keep you locked. Insignia out of the Kidney shot when you see it hit and scatter them, cheetah to range, ALWAYS MARK THEM (I cannot stress this enough) and lay a conc shot down, then multi, then serpent sting. and continue to run as much as you can, with or without cheetah, laying down fire. The reason serpent sting is so win is that it really stops them from vanishing. Any good rogue will be able to reach you while marked, run past you and vanish then quickly cheap shot or ambush. Bad news for you, you don't want to give them that opportunity. If they reach you, hit Deterrance and immobilise them as soon as possible. Stoneform their poison if you're a dwarf and get away again. Two solid rounds of shooting is enough to see any rogue dead.
Can't be done. The pet will keep you in combat if it's being hit by the mobs. Feigning in PvE and PvP are two entirely different things. If you set your pet to passive and feign in PvP, even if it's being hit you will leave combat. Do it in PvE and you won't leave combat, so you won't be able to trap. If you don't use the pet, the moment you feign the mobs lose aggro and run back. It's not possible to feign trap kite in PvE UNLESS you're in an instance and not using your pet.Drongnel wrote:
Solo PvE
The second technique I use is very similar to dealing with warriors in PvP yet again Chain freezing trap FTW!! first off make sure you have a freezing trap layed and are at max range, mark the target & send your pet in & about the same time hit him with a aimed, concuss, multi you get aggro the add charges you & becomes a ice cube, get to maximum range the FD and lay another freezing trap then send your pet in again (as you have just fdd he should hold aggro for a bit but try & pull the add off him & into your trap so your pet does not take much dmg, if you have to heal or bandage your pet while the add is frozen) & aimed, concussive, multi, scorpid & when he gets to you he will freeze again get back to max range, now your FD will still be on cool-down and if you wait the trap will break before its ready so instead repeat the pet, aimed, concussive, multi and another scorpid if you need it then scatter shot by now your fd cool-down should be up so use it & lay another freezing trap if the add is not already dead. Now all this depends again on you not being dotted and make sure your pet is on passive so he does not break the traps.
While I don't disagree with this, far from it I think it's good advice, I would like to add one thing: When it's your turn to tranq make absolutely sure you don't use ANY skills which trip the global cooldown. You want to be able to fire off that shot as soon as the mob frenzies. This is not a real urgent thing on Magmadar, but when you guys eventually get to Princess Huhuran in AQ40 you'll see that a 2sec tranq delay can mean a dead MT.Drongnel wrote:
If you are Tranqing then make sure you know the order, be in position and ready for your turn before the message, I have set my creature emotes to bright red so I can see when they are frenzying & dont have to wait for the rs spam also keep your head up & be aware & focused and prepared to movein the Mag fight its just the occasional fire that you have to avoid but in BWL there is much more dashing out between breaths to Tranq and these just require focus & practice to learn the timings. Also when tranqing do not worry about doing much other dps, the most important thing is to keep alive & save your mana for the tranq, do some damage if you can but dont take unnecessary risks.
Another suggestion: If the boss fight is long and important enough (Nef, Twin Emps in my case) I use Mageblood potions and 2x Lesser Mana Oil (dual wield y'see.) Coupled with Blessing of Wisdom and the occasional Judgement of Wisdom it's more than enough to be able to continuously fire off special attacks without ever running out of mana.Drongnel wrote:
In long boss fights you can FD out of combat & drink your mana back if necessary also remember you are low priority for heals, its much more important to keep those tanks & priests up so be prepared to bandage however if you stay at max range and FD a lot then you should take very little damage anyway.
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
Some good points thnx Khandan but ...
on Solo PvE
on Warriors
on Solo PvE
i do this ALOT to deal with giants, stone gaurdians, Silithus elite bugs so you really CAN do it seriously man if you ever want to see i'll happily show you you have the pet on passive & just tell it to attack every time as soon as the mob hit's the freeze trap the pet runs back now u get to range & you CAN FD & lay another trap cause your pet is still in combat so the mob does not run off but you are ooc & can lay a trap (use the trap button to come out of FD)Can't be done. The pet will keep you in combat if it's being hit by the mobs. Feigning in PvE and PvP are two entirely different things. If you set your pet to passive and feign in PvP, even if it's being hit you will leave combat. Do it in PvE and you won't leave combat, so you won't be able to trap. If you don't use the pet, the moment you feign the mobs lose aggro and run back. It's not possible to feign trap kite in PvE UNLESS you're in an instance and not using your pet.
on Warriors
Explain to me how is it any lamer than a stunlock rogue killing you before you can move or how you expect to beat that wrath equipped warrior in melee?That's the lamest and more unsportsmanlike tactic ever. FD/Freeze trapping is fine once, when jumped. After that spamming them down is cheap, lame and really doesn't show skill at all I'm afraid.
Last edited by Drongnel on Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
on Shammy's
Also QD's/Casp's idea of rank 1 vipers might be a good idea for shammy's too, i'll try it & let you know how it works for me.
ok i was wrong here but there dispell does use 9% of there base mana & maybe the shammy's i have been fighting were not too hot but i can put them down quite alot, i'm full marksman build though so quite enjoy them trying to beat me at range, as you say good shammy's can be hard to beat but the same can be said for any class.Oh no, you got it alll wrong. Shamans CAN remove Viper Sting.
Also QD's/Casp's idea of rank 1 vipers might be a good idea for shammy's too, i'll try it & let you know how it works for me.
Last edited by Drongnel on Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
on Rogues
Again and has been said numerous times mark is the most important thing, it has a very long range & i try to get them marked as soon as i see them before they even dismount & start stealthing.
True but that's what the mark is for, i want them to vanish & think they are invisible it means there movement speed is greatly reduced and because they are marked you can still see & track them which i why i prefer scorpid, also i like to scorpid rogues as they pop out & try & get the clothies as -68 agil & strnth(and -stam if you have improved) is much more crippling to them than a really low damage dot like serpent, i only use serpent on rogues when there is alot of them as you can't mark them all.then serpent sting. and continue to run as much as you can, with or without cheetah, laying down fire. The reason serpent sting is so win is that it really stops them from vanishing.
Again and has been said numerous times mark is the most important thing, it has a very long range & i try to get them marked as soon as i see them before they even dismount & start stealthing.
Last edited by Drongnel on Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
on Pally's
(all these edits are cause my spelling is lame :P)
After just loosing at least 2-3000 dmg from a aimed/multi combo with the inclusive autoshots they generally thinking about a heal which is why i hit em with a viper straight after now they have got to decide to cleanse first or heal first, if they heal then the viper is draining if they cleanse it gives you a chance to scatter then another multi thats most of their health gone & you are assuming they remove it INSTANTLY which if they are very good they will but few pally's are THAT good, i also like caspe tatic of using rank 1 viper so they waste their mana on dispels. But as i have said from the start compared to other classes my experience fighting pally's is limited.Cleanse trumps your viper sting, which costs you more mana to cast than it does for him to cleanse, and any Paladin worth his salt will cleanse it before it ticks. Only way this'll work is if you manage to viper them during a heal.
(all these edits are cause my spelling is lame :P)
Last edited by Drongnel on Thu Mar 16, 2006 5:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Meline
- Posts: 130
- Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:20 pm
- Location: Stockholm/Sweden
As I have a rogue myself the serpent sting > scorpid sting. As Khadan said: You can have me marked but still I can manage to get in range of you. Quick vanish>cheap shot and there we go again I have you crippled and in range. This can be done with serpent sting on too, but it far more difficult to time it right.
Dots=rogue enemy!
Dots=rogue enemy!

Meline - 60 Human priest (Outland)
Buttran - Lvling, cute gnome lock (Outland)
Coldrey - 60 UD rogue (Grim Batol)
Rolling skills /300.
Buttran - Lvling, cute gnome lock (Outland)
Coldrey - 60 UD rogue (Grim Batol)
Rolling skills /300.
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
ahh meline but if you are marked then your vanish though invisble for you in terms of abilities, you will still be visible to me & if you get close i'll either scatter you or FD & freezetrap, if your dotted that breaks my trap anyway, does not work duelling gnomes though, damn escape artist's
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Caspae
- Posts: 431
- Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:50 pm
Drongnel , you really are missing the point
Sprint --> get behind you, vanish , spam cheap shot button crippled!
sting will put them out of their vanish after they slipped it on (unless they have perfect timing ofc) just serpent stinging makes sure they have a VERY smaller chance on getting this heap of imba melee scrap inflicted on you

Sprint --> get behind you, vanish , spam cheap shot button crippled!
sting will put them out of their vanish after they slipped it on (unless they have perfect timing ofc) just serpent stinging makes sure they have a VERY smaller chance on getting this heap of imba melee scrap inflicted on you

- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
I live to do the impossible...Can't be done. The pet will keep you in combat if it's being hit by the mobs. Feigning in PvE and PvP are two entirely different things. If you set your pet to passive and feign in PvP, even if it's being hit you will leave combat. Do it in PvE and you won't leave combat, so you won't be able to trap. If you don't use the pet, the moment you feign the mobs lose aggro and run back. It's not possible to feign trap kite in PvE UNLESS you're in an instance and not using your pet.

'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
Re-trapping a target while in combat...
Now this will only generally work if you are fighting just one target as multiple mobs will stop you getting ooc, useful for when you are fighting something particually big & nasty or the lastof a large group & very low on health so you have time to bandage, also another nice lil pvp tip (I originally posted this on the heavy silithid carpace thread)....
First off remeber to always keep pet on passive when using traps even when dealing with groups as though you have to be a bit more on the ball it won't break your traps & can often give you a chance to get ooc to re-trap. You can get ooc when your pet is in combat i.e on a creatures aggro list as long as your pet is not hitting or being hit so this means u can hit something with a scatter as your pet is on passive it disengages so not to break the scatter effect and you instantly hit FD & trap, it does not always let you get away with it especially not on boss fights (because they are usually immune to scatter or freezing traps or won't let u get ooc at all this is especially true for the bwl boss's, is actually more useful in AQ) but try it, you will be suprised how often it does work.
Now this will only generally work if you are fighting just one target as multiple mobs will stop you getting ooc, useful for when you are fighting something particually big & nasty or the lastof a large group & very low on health so you have time to bandage, also another nice lil pvp tip (I originally posted this on the heavy silithid carpace thread)....
First off remeber to always keep pet on passive when using traps even when dealing with groups as though you have to be a bit more on the ball it won't break your traps & can often give you a chance to get ooc to re-trap. You can get ooc when your pet is in combat i.e on a creatures aggro list as long as your pet is not hitting or being hit so this means u can hit something with a scatter as your pet is on passive it disengages so not to break the scatter effect and you instantly hit FD & trap, it does not always let you get away with it especially not on boss fights (because they are usually immune to scatter or freezing traps or won't let u get ooc at all this is especially true for the bwl boss's, is actually more useful in AQ) but try it, you will be suprised how often it does work.

'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Drongnel
- Posts: 283
- Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:35 pm
- Location: near Brighton
Well i thought i'd put together a guide for a good set for AQ especially now we got some more bits in 1.11, armor first...
Bramblewood Helm (leather)
+20 Stamina
+30 Nature Resistance
12x Enchanted Leather
2x Bloodvine
2x Living Essence
2x Cured Rugged Hide
Phytoskin Spaulders (leather) Razorlash - Maraudon
+16 Agility
+10 Stamina
+10 Nature Resistance
Sandstalker Breastplate (mail)
+13 Stamina
+25 Nature Resistance
3x Heavy Silithid Carapace
40x Silithid Chitin
2x Larval Acid
2x Cured Rugged Hide
Gaea's Embrace
+6 Stamina
+20 Nature Resistance
1x Bloodvine
2x Mooncloth
4x Living Essence
4x Ironweb Spider Silk
Sandstalker Bracers (mail)
+7 Stamina
+15 Nature Resistance
1x Heavy Silithid Carapace
20x Silithid Chitin
2x Larval Acid
Sandstalker Gauntlets (mail)
+9 Stamina
+20 Nature Resistance
2x Heavy Silithid Carapace
30x Silithid Chitin
2x Larval Acid
1x Cured Rugged Hide
Bramblewood Belt (leather)
+14 Stamina
+15 Nature Resistance
4x Enchanted Leather
2x Living Essence
1x Cured Rugged Hide
Cenarion Reservist's Legguards
Quest The Calling (Raid)
+13 Agility
+13 Stamina
+25 Nature Resistance
Bramblewood Boots (leather)
+12 Stamina
+25 Nature Resistance
6x Enchanted Leather
2x Larval Acid
2x Living Essence
2x Cured Rugged Hide
Total + 185 nr
+104 stam
+29 agil
Total mats required
22 x Enchanted Leather
3 x Bloodvine
10 x Living Essence
8 x Cured Rugged Hide
6 x Heavy Silithid Carapace
90 x Silithid Chitin
8 x Larval Acid
4 x Ironweb Spider Silk
Enchants to get on it
Cloak +15 nr (with the rest thats your 200
) 2 x Nexus Crystal, 8 x Large Brilliant Shard, 4 x Living Essence
Chest +100 health = 6 x Illusion Dust, 1 x Small Brilliant Shard
Boots +7 stam = 10 dream dust
Bracer +7 stam = 5 dream dust
Gloves +7 agil = 3 illusion dust 3 lesser eternal essence
Rest of your kit
Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers
+26 Stamina
+15 Intellect
+10 Nature Resistance
Also the +3% scope on your ranged weapon for tranq (see qds postabout the bits)
The UBRS key - Seal of Ascension
+10 Fire Resistance
+10 Nature Resistance
+10 Frost Resistance
Band of Cenarius
+10 Stamina
+19 Nature Resistance
From quest A Humble Offering
Heart of Noxxion - Noxxion - Maraudon
+10 Nature Resistance
Requires Level 46
Use: Removes 1 poison effect.
Bramblewood Helm (leather)
+20 Stamina
+30 Nature Resistance
12x Enchanted Leather
2x Bloodvine
2x Living Essence
2x Cured Rugged Hide
Phytoskin Spaulders (leather) Razorlash - Maraudon
+16 Agility
+10 Stamina
+10 Nature Resistance
Sandstalker Breastplate (mail)
+13 Stamina
+25 Nature Resistance
3x Heavy Silithid Carapace
40x Silithid Chitin
2x Larval Acid
2x Cured Rugged Hide
Gaea's Embrace
+6 Stamina
+20 Nature Resistance
1x Bloodvine
2x Mooncloth
4x Living Essence
4x Ironweb Spider Silk
Sandstalker Bracers (mail)
+7 Stamina
+15 Nature Resistance
1x Heavy Silithid Carapace
20x Silithid Chitin
2x Larval Acid
Sandstalker Gauntlets (mail)
+9 Stamina
+20 Nature Resistance
2x Heavy Silithid Carapace
30x Silithid Chitin
2x Larval Acid
1x Cured Rugged Hide
Bramblewood Belt (leather)
+14 Stamina
+15 Nature Resistance
4x Enchanted Leather
2x Living Essence
1x Cured Rugged Hide
Cenarion Reservist's Legguards
Quest The Calling (Raid)
+13 Agility
+13 Stamina
+25 Nature Resistance
Bramblewood Boots (leather)
+12 Stamina
+25 Nature Resistance
6x Enchanted Leather
2x Larval Acid
2x Living Essence
2x Cured Rugged Hide
Total + 185 nr
+104 stam
+29 agil
Total mats required
22 x Enchanted Leather
3 x Bloodvine
10 x Living Essence
8 x Cured Rugged Hide
6 x Heavy Silithid Carapace
90 x Silithid Chitin
8 x Larval Acid
4 x Ironweb Spider Silk
Enchants to get on it
Cloak +15 nr (with the rest thats your 200

Chest +100 health = 6 x Illusion Dust, 1 x Small Brilliant Shard
Boots +7 stam = 10 dream dust
Bracer +7 stam = 5 dream dust
Gloves +7 agil = 3 illusion dust 3 lesser eternal essence
Rest of your kit
Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers
+26 Stamina
+15 Intellect
+10 Nature Resistance
Also the +3% scope on your ranged weapon for tranq (see qds postabout the bits)
The UBRS key - Seal of Ascension
+10 Fire Resistance
+10 Nature Resistance
+10 Frost Resistance
Band of Cenarius
+10 Stamina
+19 Nature Resistance
From quest A Humble Offering
Heart of Noxxion - Noxxion - Maraudon
+10 Nature Resistance
Requires Level 46
Use: Removes 1 poison effect.
'I Thought what i'd do is i'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes'
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
Drongnel 60 Dorf hunter (Miner/Engineer)
Ank 38 Gnome mage (Engineer/Tailor)
Dinkl 38 Gnome rogue (Skinner/Leatherworker)
Tamburlaine 22 Dorf Pally (Miner/Blacksmith)
Fayed 20 Nelf Drood (Enchanter/Skinner)
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:42 pm
- Location: England
Very nice drong
Some additions:
1. For PvP hunters will live much longer if they bind the FLARE ability to the middle mouse button. Its mint trust me
i use this all the time. Its good if you wanna keep rogues off you if you are fighting someone else, they are much more likely to pick another target if theres a flare on the floor. Ofc if you have a duty to protect priests then flare over them too 
2. Another pvp tip,if you know there's a rogue about, have some fun
jump and then press freezing trap ( the jump is so that your hunter doesnt physically kneel down to place the trap) and stand with your back to the trap. This makes the rogue think 'aha noob' but ofc he has been fooled! let the rogue walk up to u, he WONT attack you from the front, and then the rest is easy.
3. My final tip, which i have only just learnt (nib!) is never use aspect of the hawk, monkey is so much better. An 8% chance to dodge saves my life so many times. For instance, when fighting warriors, sometimes you need to run back in to wing clip, so aspect of the monkey works lovely.Ofc you can change, but unless u are very good the warrior has reached u already
Some additions:
1. For PvP hunters will live much longer if they bind the FLARE ability to the middle mouse button. Its mint trust me

2. Another pvp tip,if you know there's a rogue about, have some fun

3. My final tip, which i have only just learnt (nib!) is never use aspect of the hawk, monkey is so much better. An 8% chance to dodge saves my life so many times. For instance, when fighting warriors, sometimes you need to run back in to wing clip, so aspect of the monkey works lovely.Ofc you can change, but unless u are very good the warrior has reached u already

- Caspae
- Posts: 431
- Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 6:50 pm
MORTOL STRIKEZ PEW PEW!Rarwen wrote: 3. My final tip, which i have only just learnt (nib!) is never use aspect of the hawk, monkey is so much better. An 8% chance to dodge saves my life so many times. For instance, when fighting warriors, sometimes you need to run back in to wing clip, so aspect of the monkey works lovely.Ofc you can change, but unless u are very good the warrior has reached u already
Ie : any mortal strike specced warrior will bash half your health off with overpower :E Unless theyre rageless.. I think

Imo : for Pvp a 21 MM-30 SV works best.. You've got scatter shot , detterrence,counterattack , imp wingclip!
X(warrior) charges into Y (hunter) 's freezing trap . Y moves a fair amount of yards away->Immolation trap -> Aimed-> concussive -> multi . X intercepts Y gets struck by immolation -> scatter after tick -> run through ->wingclip /counterattack. range->multi shot . Honour :X..
Usually works on non rank 12 and up.
- Omnichron
- Posts: 64
- Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:18 pm
Nice one drong 
I must admit that I don't see hunters as the biggest threat I meet with my 2 PvP characters (My Rogue and my Shaman). The only thing I really hate is that freeze trap, and while it might seem rather unsportmanlike to spam it, why not? I mean what difference is it for a hunter to use that tactic and a rogue who stunlocks you to death... Both is damn irritating
The damage a hunter can do is awesome, and when there's multiple enemies I have to deal with, I know that I have to deal with the hunter really fast to be able to survive... however, I also have to kill most other classes quickly too, so as the hunter is able to survive many attacks, I usually just have to let him kill me while I try to kill some other class (priest, mage, druid, rogue higher on my kill list).
As a rogue, I usually just pick a good time to attack a hunter, and stun him to death with a good stab now and then. I can easily avoid traps if I take my time, and I've acctually managed to kill hunters who have freezed me first. Just have to sprint!
As a Shaman, I usually just charge in as fast as I can and be sure to remove sting, have totems up, and then use frostshock and totem to make sure that the hunter won't get away. After that the hunter is dead for sure.
I also once experimented with my elemental shaman against my friend hunter in duels som time ago, and acctually managed to kill him from distance with chainlightning and shocks. So even on distance, certain shammies can be lethal for a hunter.
Anyways, in the end it all comes to the skill of the players fighting. Good hunters are indeed a pain in the ass!

I must admit that I don't see hunters as the biggest threat I meet with my 2 PvP characters (My Rogue and my Shaman). The only thing I really hate is that freeze trap, and while it might seem rather unsportmanlike to spam it, why not? I mean what difference is it for a hunter to use that tactic and a rogue who stunlocks you to death... Both is damn irritating

The damage a hunter can do is awesome, and when there's multiple enemies I have to deal with, I know that I have to deal with the hunter really fast to be able to survive... however, I also have to kill most other classes quickly too, so as the hunter is able to survive many attacks, I usually just have to let him kill me while I try to kill some other class (priest, mage, druid, rogue higher on my kill list).
As a rogue, I usually just pick a good time to attack a hunter, and stun him to death with a good stab now and then. I can easily avoid traps if I take my time, and I've acctually managed to kill hunters who have freezed me first. Just have to sprint!

As a Shaman, I usually just charge in as fast as I can and be sure to remove sting, have totems up, and then use frostshock and totem to make sure that the hunter won't get away. After that the hunter is dead for sure.
I also once experimented with my elemental shaman against my friend hunter in duels som time ago, and acctually managed to kill him from distance with chainlightning and shocks. So even on distance, certain shammies can be lethal for a hunter.
Anyways, in the end it all comes to the skill of the players fighting. Good hunters are indeed a pain in the ass!