More BWL tacs for your consideration (Raid leader preferred)

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More BWL tacs for your consideration (Raid leader preferred)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:37 pm

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Broodlord Lashlayer
The linchpin of this fight is his mortal strike. It can hit for roughly 6k damage and can be immediately followed by a blastwave. The blastwave is resistible and reduces aggro. It is very important to one-shot this fight. If you do not, you have to get through the suppression room all over again due to the fast respawn. Put two paladins in the tanking groups for Devotion aura and Fire Resist aura. Shamans drop the Stoneskin Totem and Fire Resist Totem.

For the pull, have the tanks run into the last cubbyhole and get his attention. The rest of the raid will run to the gate where Broodlord was standing. Have a mage run through the mess of whelps that will come with the boss and AOE once or twice to pull them to the group. The tank that currently has aggro needs to stand with their back to the wall and in the corner. The blastwave can knock you back into groups of whelps and dragons if you arent careful, which is an instant wipe. All non-tanking warriors (those without current aggro) should be behind Broodlord.


There are two ways to do this fight. One is a slow burn down, the other is a total nuke. In the slow burn down, its a fight against the healers aggro versus the warriors threat generated as the hunters and the casters wands wittle him down. In the nuking strategy, its a battle between the warriors aggro and the casters damage aggro. Here are both methods.

The Slow Burn Down
This is can be a rather boring fight for most damage classes. Warlocks and mages should be using wands only (dont DOT if you can help it), and hunters should be going balls to the wall, feigning every 30 seconds. Warriors should be up there fighting for aggro with everyone theyve got. A rogue or two needs to be keeping the suppression devices disarmed, the rest are just firing from range, and vanishing when needed. Stack up the defense and armour. You are on a limited time now. The groups in the room can respawn on you. When the a warrior gets mortal striked, they need a shield as fast as humanly possible. If a warrior dies, rebirth them and get them back into the game to fight for aggro. This fight is possible until your last warrior has died for the first time, then the aggro battle with the healers may win out. The drawback to this method is that it is long and slow, which means mana is stretched thinner and more chance of a tank dying. The longer it takes, the more likely the healers will gain aggro.

The Nuking Method
This way is much faster, but will only work if your casters/hunters are extremely well geared with damage items. Every 30 seconds Broodlord kicks the main aggro holder and reduces his aggro, then immediately switches to number 2 on the hate list. He does this with every tank (well, he does it with everyone but a tank is the only person that can survive the damage) until he has gone through them all. So the tanks are constantly having their aggro cut off, while the mages, warlocks and healers are never losing aggro.

Think of it like filling two containers of water. One container has a hole in the bottom that is leaking, while the other container is constantly filling up. Eventually, the second container is going to have more water in it than the first. This is when casters/healers pull aggro. The hunters 'cup' is constantly getting completely emptied every 30 seconds.

Get every tank to land 5 solid sunders on Broodlord then have the casters open up their damage as hard and fast as they can. Watch your damage meters so you know which casters are going to be the first to get aggro (ie: first to die). If you get aggro, you run in and you die. Accept your fate. Dont run away, dont iceblock, just die. A good rule of thumb is that every warrior you bring to this fight gives you 30-40 seconds longer to DPS him. Every warrior can be kicked roughly 3-4 times before casters begin to draw aggro, assuming no warrior has died. Rogues can run in to sinister strike or backstab between blast waves if their timing is good enough.

When youre gear is good enough, the Nuking Method can kill Broodlord without losing a single ranged damager.

Once Broodlord is dead, the suppression room will stop respawning. Go ahead and clear it now so you dont have to clear it on successive days/wipes to future bosses. Or you can just call it a day. After 30 minutes of the instance being vacated they all despawn.

IMPORTANT: When Broodlord gets down to 1% health, all the healers and ranged need to get AWAY from the gate they are standing next to. When that gate comes up, they may be in aggro range of the first Hell Pack, which would more than likely result in a messy wipe.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:38 pm

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The Hell Packs
(Goblin, Spellbinder, Overseer and Orc Warlock Groups)

Everyone needs to remain out of line of sight when pulling these groups, except for the pullers and some tanks. Hide around the wall of the cubbyhole that the raid hid in before running at Broodlord. A hunter pulls the pack and warriors throw grenades at the warlocks and goblins. The the warriors then run out of LOS to pull the warlocks around the corners away from the goblin rabble.


The goblins should run up to the corner and bunch up on it, or in the doorway. Blizzard, Rain of Fire and Hurricane the Goblins until they die. They throw dynamite that hurts a lot, and fire resist doesnt affect the damage taken. They throw dynamite at the person in closest proximity to them, so just move backwards when its your turn (and move FAST because youll be dead in seconds). The Horde have it easy here. Have a shaman drop a totem. The Goblins attack the totem but cant destroy it.

For Alliance, have a warrior run circles around the goblins. Being the closest person they will attack to throw grenades at him, but since they have a 2 seconds cast on the throw, the warrior will never get hit by it.

Next switch to killing the Warlocks. They will open red portals that spill out Enraged Felguards. Felguards are banishable and fearable. If a red portal opens, kill that Warlock first to close it. Felguards can use Blastwave and Thunderclap. After 5 minutes of being alive/banished, the Felguards despawn on their own. Leave them for very last.

The Spellbinders (usually only one per group) have Flamestrike and Polymorph. They are immune to magic. Melee kill them after the warlocks. When you're down to just the Spellbinders and banished felguards, allow a felguard or two to come out of banish and just chain fear them. This gives the mages/warlocks something to attack since the spellbinders are immune to magic.

The Overseers are randomly weak to a single magic school, and highly resistant to any other form of magic. Find their weak school and beat the hell out of them with it, even wands do incredible damage (its roughly a 100% damage increase with the proper school of magic). These are also the first MOBs you will run into that have the Brood Powers. There are several kinds, and they are all different. Green, Red, Black, Bronze and Blue.

- Brood Power: Green is a stun effect. Use free action potions and two tanks.
- Brood Power: Red damages for 1315-1685 per second, and can stack 5 times.
- Brood Power: Black is an instant attack for 1063-1437 fire damage.
- Brood Power: Blue is an AOE mana burn and reduces attack speed by 50%.
- Brood Power: Bronze turns you into a whirlwinder, making you hurt allies around you.

IMPORTANT: If one of the creatures in these pulls gets stuck in a wall, or evade bugs, or you are unable to kill every last one of them (not including the felguards), then the entire pull will reset. If you cant kill a pull as a whole, you wont be able to whittle them down by wiping continuously. On the bright side, this is how you farm hourglass sand, Bind on Pickup epics, and Elementium Ore.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:39 pm

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Everyone but the healers should be wearing fire resist gear for this fight, especially your Onyxia Scale Cloaks. Tank Firemaw on the other side of the Broodlord doorway. Put the casters in the right hand side, behind the wall, where Broodlord was killed, and the melees safe spot is behind the little corner of the archway next to the alchemy table. Firemaw should be tanked at the grated door so your healers can see the tank but not Firemaw.


Every few seconds that you are in line of sight of Firemaw, you will get a stacking debuff called Flame Buffet, which adds up on the fire damage you take from his fire nova (similar to Vaels, but this one doesnt ignore line of sight). The damage classes need to duck out, fire off a few shots and DOTs until they get 3-4 flame buffets stacked up on themselves. Then run behind the wall and bandage yourself, and duck out for it again.

An offtank needs to taunt Firemaw to take the Wing Buffet, a damaging knockback that reduces aggro. Its very important that an offtank takes this so the main tank doesnt get his aggro dropped. Inevitably the taunting may be resisted or may not be perfect, so be prepared to immediately switch to healing an offtank as he gains top aggro momentarily. When offtanks get the Flame Buffet stacked VERY high, they have to run out of LOS to wait it out before going back into the fray. A fresh offtank needs to run in his place for 30 seconds as the flame buffets wear off the first offtank. This is a long fight, bring lots of bandages.

If the Flame Buffet stacks up more than 20 times on the main tank, he should drink a greater fire protection potion to absorb the Flame Buffets until the current ones wear off (20 seconds). However with 315 fire resist, odds are a tank wont get those over 15 debuffs or so because they will resist each one until the 20 seconds wears off.

Keep Thunderclap on Firemaw at all times to reduce his attack speed, spacing out his physical damage. A priest should be dedicated to throwing a shield on the tank right before every shadowflame. Firemaw may need to be repositioned every 30 seconds or so to make sure he inst in LOS of the raid (youll know because your healers start lighting up with fire).

If your attempt goes pear shaped, jump off to the bottom level of the Suppression room. Firemaw can't follow you and will evade back to his normal path.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:40 pm

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Draketalon Wyrmguards
Similar to the Overseers, they have magic vulnerabilities and Brood Powers. There are two packs of three, and one Wyrmguard mixed in with three Overseers in another group. They are always level 63 and they hurt like hell. The group of four is at the end of the room after Broodlord (Firemaws room). The first group of three is after the Hellpacks and directly before Ebonroc, and the other group of three is directly after Flamegor, before Chromaggus.

Hunters pull them to their respective tanks. Tank them away from the raid and away from each other, burn them down separately and counter the Brood Powers as best you can (Free action potions for Green, etc). Each warrior needs to call out the brood power of his mark so the raid can adapt to it. Every warlock and mage should endeavour to find a wand that shoots damage types they cant put out with spells so they can help burn these down faster without wasting mana.

Master Elemental Shaper Krixix
Mind control him and use him to teach your miners to smelt elementium. Krixix respawns if the instance is vacated for 12 hours.

Equip your Onyxia Scale Cloaks, Ebonroc uses Shadowflame. Tank him in the left corner where the left-most Wyrmguard was standing. The raid should stand at the base of, and behind the curvature of the ramp.


Ebonroc casts a debuff on the tank called the 'Shadow of Ebonroc'. When appears, an offtank (or two for backup incase of resists) has to taunt Ebonroc immediately. If Ebonroc attacks the person with the Shadow on them, he will heal himself for 25,000 hp (lessen with continual mortal strike, keep MS up there at all times). This is a shadow-based spell, and can be resisted, so stack up shadow resistance as you see necessary.

Just like Firemaw, he has a Wing Buffet that needs to be taunted off the main tank. Have 4-5 tanks up there with one person high up on the hate list to be the main tank. Keep the Wing Buffets and Shades off of the main tank. The tanks need to work out a taunt rotation amongst themselves to keep things moving steadily.

The healers need to be a fair distance away and behind Ebonroc. If a rogue pulls aggro right before a Shadowflame, the raid will eat it. Wearing Onyxia Scale Cloaks and fire/shadow resistance can save you from a harsh death here, and its still possibly to recover so long as the tanks dont die. All in all, quite an easy fight.

Another fire resist fight. Tank him in the same place as Ebonroc. Flamegor also has Shadowflame, and Wing Buffet. Flamegor does some pretty mean damage, so stack some healing on the main tank, more than often.

The raid should be in the same position at the bottom of the ramp. The main tank will gun pull Flamegor and immediately Shield Wall before jumping off the edge of the upper level down to where Ebonroc was tanked. Flamegor has Frenzies, like Magmadar, so hunters have to tranq shot him periodically (quite often). Set up a tranq rotation for the hunters.

When Flamegor is frenzied, he emits a Fire Nova that pulses periodically for 580-680 fire damage. Unlike Vael's fire nova, this one doesnt ignore LOS. Fire resist mitigates this to basically nothing. Quite an easy fight, burn him down from range and keep the tanks up. Taunt the Wing Buffets as necessary and bring it home. Flamegor and Ebonroc are the purple vending machines of Blackwing Lair.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:40 pm

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The raid should be hugging the left wall, with the main tank standing directly along their line infront of the big door. A rogue with sprint pulls the lever and opens the gate. Tank Chromaggus in the doorway perpendicular to the raid.


Every 30 seconds he will breath, alternating his two breaths. He has five breaths to choose from, and every week when the instance is created he will randomly picks two. The breaths are:

Manaburn and about 4k frost damage. Adds a slow effect for 5 seconds.

Corrosive Acid
Deals 875 to 1125 damage every 3 sec for 15 seconds. Armor reduced by 3938 to 5062 for 15 seconds.

You are frozen in time (stunned) and your health is reduced by 50%. To counter it, make sure EVERYONE eats this breath except for an offtank and his healers. The offtank has to drag him straight back to the line ready for everyone to DPS again. Timelapse has an aggro reduction component, so DPS aggro isn't a problem.

Ignite Flesh
A fire based damage-over-time, 657-843 every 3 seconds for 60 seconds. Brood Affliction Black makes this even worse. If this breath hits anyone but the main tank, they are probably going to die.

This breath is 3675-4725 fire damage straight up no tricks.

Chromaggus also has 5 Brood Afflictions. If anyone gets 5 Brood Afflictions on them at any one time, they will morph into a Drakonid and start killing the raid. This should never happen, but if it does, kill them as fast as possible. When someone gets 3 afflictions on them they should be calling it out to get fixed up ASAP. The brood afflictions are:

Brood Affliction Bronze
Periodically stuns you randomly for 4 seconds, debuff lasts 10 minutes. Countered with Hourglass sand. Only give to priests and hunters. Other classes, just make sure you get to the wall earlier than usual.

Brood Affliction Red
Deals 50 damage every 3 seconds, and on death you heal Chromaggus. This is a disease that can be cleansed. It should be done by priests with abolish disease because it can stack up to 5 times.

Brood Affliction Black
Increases fire damage by 100%. Its a curse, and thus can be decursed by druids and mages.

Brood Affliction Green
Deals 250 damage every 5 seconds and healing effects reduced by 50%. This is a poison.

Brood Affliction Blue
Burns 50 mana every second. Increases casting time by 50% and reduces movement speed by 70%. This is a magic and can be dispelled.

Randomly, and quickly, during the fight, his skin will shimmer. This means his magic vulnerability is changing so there has to be testing every time to discover the new vulnerability. Delegate a few mages and warlocks to make macros to spam the new vulnerability as soon as it is known to alert to raid to switch damage types. Alternatively, have a few casters to setup their combat logs so they only things they can see if their own damage, and damage over times on the target. Look for the unusually high numbers (ie, Corruption ticking for 550) and have a macro to yell spam the new vulnerability.

Give Hourglass sand to the hunters and priests to remove the Bronze Affliction in emergencies. Hunters especially are given the sand because like Magmadar, Chromaggus frenzies and needs to be Tranq shotted. As a hunter if you have to choose between tranq shotting a frenzy and eating a breath, or letting him frenzy for 5 seconds more, let him frenzy. A dead hunter does not serve the raids ultimate purpose.

To avoid each breath attack, you must be out of line of sight of Chromaggus. Only the main tank should be affected by every breath. The one exception is if you get Timelapse. For Timelapse, the entire raid (with the exception of an offtank and 2-3 healers) should be out in the open within line of sight to take the Timelapse breath. This will freeze you in time and drop your aggro. Chromaggus will run towards the person highest on his hate list that was not frozen, hopefully the offtank hugging the wall. The offtank has to run Chromaggus back to the tanking position back on the line ready for the main tank to re-establish aggro once the 5 seconds of Timelapse as worn off.

A hunter should run to the wall and feign death during a Timelapse breath (since this drops their aggro anyway they dont have to take the breath) so they are available to tranq shot him.

Timelapse works by reducing the aggro of all people it affects. A bug currently is that you can resist the stun effect of Timelapse, but you wont resist the aggro wipe. Unfortunately this means there is no stun to come out of, therefore your character doesnt cast the aggro reset, dropping you way down the hatelist. This is good for casters and healers, but it can be very bad for the main tank. At about 50% health, you may notice that Chromaggus doesnt switch back to the main tank after a Timelapse breath stun has passed. This is because the main tanks aggro has fallen below the offtanks, who has missed every timelapse. At about 30%, Chromaggus may run after your offtank healers instead of the offtank. To try and prevent this from happening you can try switching around offtank healers so different people are missing/eating the timelapse after you reach 40%. This will ensure he goes to the offtank instead of the offtank healers. Alternatively just soulstone the druids and let them die and resurrect.

The meat and bones of the fight is that you have a 30 second window to do damage to him, then you have to run out of line of sight to the left wall for each breath. Once he has breathed on the main tank, get back out there for another 30 seconds. Once you have seen the breath animation, you can immediately run out and begin attacking again. The damage will only occur to people that are in line of sight when the animation begins, not while its playing out. This fight can easily take 10-15 minutes.

When Chromaggus reaches 20%, he becomes enraged. He hits 50% faster and about 600 damage per hit harder. Step up the healing and burn down the last 20% for the kill.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:48 pm

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There are two blocked passageways in Nefarians room. Two kinds of Drakonids will spawn into the room, one type from each passageway. These Drakonids will have one Brood Power each. Like Chromaggus, they are randomly selected when the instance is created and will be the same Powers until the raid timer resets. Occasionally there will also be larger variants called Chromatic Drakonids, which are resistant to all types of magic by about 90%. Hunters will be the primary source of damage on these creatures.

Phase 1
There are two ways to beat phase 1. Either by AOEing the doorways in certain intervals, or have four rogue assist train (one rogue assist for two groups like Razorgore) to take down the Drakonids one at a time. Either way is viable, so choose the strategy that best suits your guilds strengths. We prefer the AOE strat, so thats what Ill be discussing in depth.


Warriors and rogues need to be hugging the entrance, tapping every creature that spills out. Have three warriors on each side, taking it in turns to grab a Drakonid as it spawns. Sunder it twice then move on to the next. Anyone that isnt the main tank should gather as much damage-reflection gear as possible to maintain aggro while the AOE burns them down. The Drakonids dont hit very hard, only about 330 on cloth armour, so a single warrior can tank many of these so long as they are getting healed.

Get everyone naked. Start the encounter, see what colour Drakonids you got this week. In my opinion, their relative difficulty is:

Red > Blue > Bronze > Green > Black

The Brood Powers they use are the same as the Overseers:
- Brood Power: Green is a stun effect. Use free action potions and two tanks.
- Brood Power: Red damages for 1315-1685 per second, and can stack 5 times.
- Brood Power: Black is an instant attack for 1063-1437 fire damage.
- Brood Power: Blue is an AOE mana burn and reduces attack speed by 50%.
- Brood Power: Bronze turns you into a whirlwinder, making you hurt allies around you.

Each drakonid type has a high resistance to a certain magic school. Red is fire. Blue is frost. Bronze is arcane. Green is nature. Black is shadow. When dealing with a Red/Blue combination, it will be necessary to shuffle mages and warlocks around to maximise their damage with Rain of Fire and Blizzard. Dont put warlocks on Red drakonids, and likewise with mages on Blue drakonids. It may be necessary to put one or two mages with the Improved Blizzard talent on the Blue side just to add the chill effect to the Blues should they break away from the main pack.

Divide the raid into two. 20 on each side. You may need to wipe a few times to get a feel for the damage each side is doing and alter your group setup to compensate. People need to be paying attention to what side they are on in each attempt as they may be moved. If one side is doing great and getting their down fast while the other side is struggling, move a few people to the other side to balance it out.

Ranged DPS and paladins/priests stand about 30 yards away from the doorways, with the warriors/rogues between them and the Drakonids. Druids stand between the two doorways (effectively between the two groups, as the raid will be split in two over the two sides of the room).

The aim is to kill 20 of each Drakonid type. Shuffle your DPS around the room to make sure you kill them at roughly the same pace. Single target damage (follow a warrior doing MA with wanding for casters, save your mana for AOE) for the first minute or so until there are about 6-8 Drakonids up, then begin the AOE. If any Drakonids break free from 2 sunders, they should be at 10-20% life and easily dispatched before they reach the caster group (it is up to Hunters and Rogues to make sure they dont reach the caster pile, especially if they are Blue Drakonids).

The spawn rate will be variable. It will increase and decrease. Phase 1 lasts approximately 3 minutes. This is the breaking point. Everything must be contained within the AOE point to be the most efficient. Mages specced in Improved Blizzard are invaluable for this encounter. When a caster gets aggro they need to run to the centre of the AOE pack to keep the damage flowing evenly. Have a rogue MA for both sides for the casters and other rogues/hunters. The rogue on the side with the main tank should be picking the targets that the main tank is tanking, so that when Nefarian lands, the main tank doesnt have many adds on him (hopefully none) and is free to grab Nefarian. This is where you have to make the judgement call. If you dont have 34 people up, its a good idea to wipe now and try again rather than go to Phase 2 gimped.

For the entire length of Phase 1, Nefarian is untargetable, and in shadowform teleporting around the room shooting shadowbolts at random people for 600-1200 damage. Bring Greater Shadow Protection Potions for the Priests and Druids. When 20 of each colour Drakonid have been killed, he rises into the air and becomes his true dragon form. Once this has occurred the Drakonids stop spawning, but the ones currently alive still need to be killed. In 20 seconds, Nefarian will land on the balcony.

You only get ONE try at Phase 2 every 12 hours. Currently there is a bug in the game where if you zone out of BWL for 30 minutes after a Phase 2 wipe, you can attempt it again. Blizzard has labelled it an exploit but wont ban anyone for using it, so exploit early exploit often.

Phase 2
Nefarian is in dragonform and lands on the balcony. You have 20 seconds from his Phase 2 emote until the dragon lands. The main tank has to be standing there with his healers, ready to take the initial aggro. If you have to, put Blessing of Protection on the tank to clear some of his Drakonid aggro. Once hes on the ground, tank him facing out into the open area against the edge of the balcony. Even though its a tiny rail, in actual fact its a solid wall. The next 80% of his life is the Onyxia fight with a twist. He has Shadowflame, cleave and the standard swiping knockback attack, as well as a tailwhip. He also casts a curse that reduces healing effects by 75%, which needs to be decursed as soon as possible.

Place one or two offtank warriors on the opposite side of Nefarian to the raid. The need to be high on the hate list incase the main tank dies, is polymorphed or feared. Nefarian will turn to face them rather than the raid. A tailwhip is far easier to recover from than a Shadow Flame.


Every 30 seconds he yells out to a class, taunting them and causing a specific reaction out of the players control. The class yells are:

All warriors (including the tank) switch into Berserker stance, therefore taking extra damage. Extra heals on the main tank to compensate. When the shout is over, warriors are stuck in a 4th stance, so they have to switch back to whatever stance they were originally in (it wont switch back for you).

Every heal a priest casts for the next 30 seconds will leave a 100dps damage over time on the player the heal lands on. It stacks up very badly if not caught quickly. Paladins/shamans and druids need to heal to compensate. Priests take this opportunity to wand Nefarian for mana (if alliance, Judgement of Wisdom should be up there at all times as this is a very long fight).

Your ranged weapon (bow/gun) is instantly set to zero durability, as payback for all the wipe repair bills youve avoided with feign death. There are several counters. Either bring multiple weapons to the fight, switch out your weapon before the class yell occurs then put it back in, or drop a repair bot in the centre of the group at the start of Phase 2.

All rogues are teleported to Nefarians hind legs and rooted in place under him, taking his cleaves. Extra healing on rogues to allow them to survive.

Mages will begin randomly polymorphing members of the raid into a variety of zoo animals. Anyone able to demagic needs to be spamming it, especially on the healers. Iceblock will remove the "Wild Magic" debuff on you, so use it if you get the mage call. This CAN affect the main tank, which means he will lose aggro. Someone needs to be a dedicated main tank demagicer when the mage shout appears. Alternatively, have every mage run away from the group when their call comes. The Wild Polymorph affect seems to have a maximum range.

Infernals will be summoned and begin stomping on the raid. They are fairly weak and can be either single target killed like the Sons of Flame or AOE them down with blizzard and hurricane. For every warlock you have in the raid, three infernals will spawn.

All druids are morphed into catform against their will. For 30 seconds they can claw and scratch at Nefarian.

Paladins are forced to cast Blessing of Protection on Nefarian, making him immune to physical damage for 30 seconds.

All shamans begin placing down totems that damage the raid, and have to be individually destroyed as totems are invulnerable to AOE.

Through all those abilities, he also has the bellowing roar from Phase 3 Onyxia that causes everyone to run in fear. Bring all your fear ward items/abilities, or stack up some shadow resistance (which you may have been wearing for Phase 1 anyway to avoid Nefarians shadowbolts. The fight continues unchanged until Nefarion reaches 20%.

Phase 3
Once Nefarian is getting critically low, he calls out to his fallen minions to rise again to defend him. The bodies of every Drakonid killed in Phase 1 now reanimate in the form of the Risen Constructs from Scholomance. They have next to zero life, but hit incredibly hard (one and two-shotting cloth wearers). Mages and Warlocks need to be AOEing the pile of dead bodies a few seconds before the call is sounded to make sure they catch them early.

Paladins should put Blessing of Protection on mages for a quick immunity to physical damage, and shamans should use Earthbind totems to help with the improved Blizzard. Also, Paladin Holy Wrath completely owns these creatures.

Once the undead are dealt with, continue burning Nefarian down the last 20% until he has died.
Last edited by sam.freak on Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:02 pm

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Razorgore The Untamed

The first room of BWL contains the first boss. There are two platforms, east and west. West platform has Grethok the Controller with the Orb of Domination, and his two guards. The east platform has Razorgore the Untamed, a Drakkisath on steroids modelled dragon. The room before you is full of dragon eggs, 30 of them. The aim of the fight is to use the Orb to control Razorgore, making him break all the eggs in the room. Once they are all destroyed, you can kill him for loot. If he is killed before the eggs are destroyed, he will explode and kill everyone and everything in the room.


All groups stand in the south corner. Set up four rogue MAs, one for each corner of the room (one between two groups). Someone needs to run to the orb and begin controlling Razorgore the instant the fight begins, usually a class that can drop aggro easily (ie paladins, hunters or rogues) because once the control breaks, everything that was aggrod on Razorgore is now aggrod on that person. Have two designated controllers, so the backup person can grab it if the primary controller gets hit and loses part of his control bar.

Control him from the floor, rather than from on the platform itself (confirmed, not an exploit) and begin destroying eggs (below is a diagram of an example path to take). So long as an egg is being popped at every opportunity that the cooldown is up, the order is fine.


Attack and kill Grethok and his adds. Once Grethok is dead, the room will begin to fill with orcs and dragons. The orcs and dragons spawn at 8 points in the room, in the closed in dipped parts on the floor around the edges. Groups 1-2 go to the west corner. Groups 3-4 go to the south corner. Groups 5-6 go to the north corner, and groups 7-8 go to the east corner. There is a cap on the number of adds which can be in the room at one time. When the cap is reached, roughly 50 creatures, no more adds will spawn until a currently spawned add dies. There are Blackwing Mages, Blackwing Legionnaires, and Death Talon Dragonspawn. There is a cap on the number of Death Talon Dragonspawn that can be in the room also, it is 12. The dragons are immune to all forms of snare, but not Fears.

The first dragon out of each cove needs to be slept by a druid. That druid is responsible for sleeping that dragon for the duration of the encounter. The primary kill target is the Blackwing Mages. When you run out of mages, kill Legionnaires. They will respawn quickly, but at least it ties them up on you rather than on healers. When they spawn, they need to be tapped, by anyone. Your group is responsible for your corner. Magic damage will NOT tap them, they have to be hit physically. That means mages and warlocks smack them with your staff/sword if you have to.

Hunters and warriors can kite the dragons around the room, hunters can usually do up to 6 at a time. Use the platforms to gain distance on them, by running up the ramps and leaping off to make them path around.


If dragons get out of hand, Razorgore can sleep them. The Break Egg ability has a cooldown, so attempt to help with the dragons while you wait for it. The entire egg breaking process should take 6-7 minutes.

If at any time things start getting really dire (ie druids or priests dying due to healing aggro), have Razorgore run to the middle of the room and use his AOE fireball. It should hit anything within 40 yards of him for about 1k damage and draw all aggro on to him. He doesnt have much health so he will go down very very fast. A warrior needs to run to the middle of the pack and use Intimidating Shout (unlimited target AOE fear). This will buy you 15-20 seconds of egg breaking time.

Upon destroying the 29th egg, the controller needs to break control to allow the Main Tank to break the final egg (accomplish this by doing the /dance emote). The reason for this is that Razorgores immediate aggro is tied to the person using the orb when control breaks.

When the final egg is destroyed, an emote will be sounded and every orc and dragon will run out of the room in fear. The Orb will die and Razorgore will be attackable (for loot). He is immune to taunt. Have two or three warriors drag him to the south corner. They must do everything they can to fight for aggro. Periodically he will conflagrate the main tank. The conflag itself is not resistible, but its DOT ticks are. Make sure no one has any comedy pets out (or pets at all) because if they are conflagged, they will conflag people around them as it jumps from person to person. Put the main tank infront of him and the offtank behind Razorgore. The distance between them should be enough that Razor will just spin on the spot to the offtank, as conflag temporarily drops aggro.

All the DPS classes should run to the OTHER side of the room during the tank aggro building phase, to avoid the AOE fireball. When the damage is called in, start very light and slowly build up. Rogues and some casters should run around bandaging those that need spot healing. All goes well, you should kill him in 3-4 minutes.


Once he dies, the gate will open up leading to the next room, and the second boss fight. But first you have a chance to get Elementium ore and Hourglass sand for Chromaggus. Get everyone to group up at the gate, and bolt into the room, up the stairs on the far end right and the immediate right. Rogues should sprint up to the top and get a hit on every Goblin along the way to make them stop running as they attempt to leave the room on the second storey. Youll see Nefarius in human form attacking a wounded Vaelastrasz lying on the floor at 30% health.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:03 pm

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Vaelastrasz The Corrupted
This boss has the potential to wipe a raid faster than any boss in the game. He begins at 30% health so you can keep a hold of his aggro with the warriors at 20% with execute. When the fight begins, everyone in the room gets a buff called Essence of the Red, which restores 400 mana per second to casters, 50 energy per second to rogues and 20 rage per second to warriors. This buff lasts 3 minutes. If you havent killed him by 3 minutes 30 seconds, you have failed.

Due to the fact that warriors get virtually unlimited rage for this fight, Heroic Strike spam is going to generate more aggro than anything else that you can do. Because of this, every warrior whose going to be tanking needs to have a very fast weapon - 1.3 speed is best, regardless of weapon damage. Julie's Dagger, Distracting Dagger, and if you're desperate - a 1.3 speed poniard from a vendor - will all be far far better than Quel'Serrar or any other tanking weapon you may have.

Start building aggro like you normally do, keep sunder armor going and hit revenge, etc, whenever they're up, but MAKE SURE your Heroic Strike button is perpetually lit. You will need to generate massive amounts of threat for this fight since the unlimited energy rogues will be right on your tail on the hate-o-meter.

He has a firenova that permeates the room, dealing 400-600 resistable fire damage (ignores LOS). This also interrupts casting bars so there is no chance of a caster pulling aggro. Like Onyxia, he has a tailwhip and a flame breath. The key to the fight is the debuff Burning Adrenaline. It reduces casting time of all spells/attacks to zero, making everything you have an instant attack/cast, and doubles its damage. It also removes 5% of your TOTAL hp every second. Therefore you have less than 20 seconds to live. When you die, you will explode in a glorious fashion doing 4700 damage or more to everyone around you. Every 15 seconds he will put BA on a mana user. Every 45 seconds, he will put BA on the person with aggro at the time. BA is not curable. It is a death touch. If you get it, you will die. All non-warriors have to run to the designated safe spots (places away from the raid but where you can still do damage) so you can explode safely.

For warriors/priests/druids/paladins, this is a fire resist fight. They want to be taking the least amount of fire damage possible. Warriors shouldnt sacrifice too many stats to attain 315 fire resist, but healers should sacrifice everything they have for it. Mana regen gear is out the window here, its not an issue. Just like Onyxia, odd numbered groups on one side, even numbered groups on the other side of the room. Aim Vaels head towards the throne area, thats where the main tank will be standing. All the rogues should be on Vaels right side (stabbing his abdomen) and all the warriors should be on the left side.


The fight begins. Essence of the Red is on. Give the tank a couple seconds to get initial aggro (2 sunders). Then the other warriors go in. Rogues should be in within 5 seconds after that. Rogues need to watch their aggro the entire fight. When the first tank gets BA, all rogues should vanish to ensure the transition works smoothly. Every 15 seconds a mana user in the raid will get BA. Every 45 seconds, the main tank will get it. When the main tank gets it, he needs to do as much damage as he can in a short amount of time before he dies.


The main tank has to move 2 tiles to the left when he has BA, and the new main tank has to move up just outside the flamebreath range (near his left front foot). This prevent an untimely flamebreath from wiping the raid when the tank transition occurs. When the main tank dies from BA, Vael will immediately switch to the next tank in the hate list. That tank needs to move to the main tanking position as fast as possible. A poor tank transition will result in a flame breath destroying the raid. A perfect Vael kill will involve 3-4 tank deaths and about twelve damage/healer deaths.

The hardest part of the fight is burning off the first 10%. By the time the first tank gets BA, Vael should be at 21-22% health. All warriors should be using 2 handers until they get aggro, then switch to 1h/shield as they assume the main tanking role. For the Alliance, if you want to get used to tank rotations, try fudging the aggro list with Blessing of Salvation on all the tanks, then have them click it off themselves after certain intervals of time (every 10 seconds or so, the next tank removes the buff). You shouldnt need this over time, but its a good crutch to stand on as you are learning.

His flamebreath hits very hard, so 300 fire resist is important for the tanks. If the firebreath lands on either group of the raid, its effectively game over. Wipe and start again. After 20%, the executes from the warriors will be more than enough to keep aggro on them. Dont get cocky and the kill is yours. You can still wipe to this dragon with 1% health left very easily. Vael has about as much health at 30% as Ragnaros has at 100%. So 1% on Vael is still 3% on Ragnaros.

Its important to note that you may wipe simply to an unlucky combination of BAs. It might only hit all your healers, so your tanks/damage casters will die. Or it might hit all your rogues/damage casters and you have too few people alive to do him. Random luck is a large component of BWL encounters, especially these first two.
I loot Legendaries.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:17 pm

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:27 am

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plop back on top

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:32 pm

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:47 pm

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MS, you may want to add the following to the sticky Nef guides:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:06 pm

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Galador wrote:MS, you may want to add the following to the sticky Nef guides:

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