There are two blocked passageways in Nefarians room. Two kinds of Drakonids will spawn into the room, one type from each passageway. These Drakonids will have one Brood Power each. Like Chromaggus, they are randomly selected when the instance is created and will be the same Powers until the raid timer resets. Occasionally there will also be larger variants called Chromatic Drakonids, which are resistant to all types of magic by about 90%. Hunters will be the primary source of damage on these creatures.
Phase 1
There are two ways to beat phase 1. Either by AOEing the doorways in certain intervals, or have four rogue assist train (one rogue assist for two groups like Razorgore) to take down the Drakonids one at a time. Either way is viable, so choose the strategy that best suits your guilds strengths. We prefer the AOE strat, so thats what Ill be discussing in depth.
Warriors and rogues need to be hugging the entrance, tapping every creature that spills out. Have three warriors on each side, taking it in turns to grab a Drakonid as it spawns. Sunder it twice then move on to the next. Anyone that isnt the main tank should gather as much damage-reflection gear as possible to maintain aggro while the AOE burns them down. The Drakonids dont hit very hard, only about 330 on cloth armour, so a single warrior can tank many of these so long as they are getting healed.
Get everyone naked. Start the encounter, see what colour Drakonids you got this week. In my opinion, their relative difficulty is:
Red > Blue > Bronze > Green > Black
The Brood Powers they use are the same as the Overseers:
- Brood Power: Green is a stun effect. Use free action potions and two tanks.
- Brood Power: Red damages for 1315-1685 per second, and can stack 5 times.
- Brood Power: Black is an instant attack for 1063-1437 fire damage.
- Brood Power: Blue is an AOE mana burn and reduces attack speed by 50%.
- Brood Power: Bronze turns you into a whirlwinder, making you hurt allies around you.
Each drakonid type has a high resistance to a certain magic school. Red is fire. Blue is frost. Bronze is arcane. Green is nature. Black is shadow. When dealing with a Red/Blue combination, it will be necessary to shuffle mages and warlocks around to maximise their damage with Rain of Fire and Blizzard. Dont put warlocks on Red drakonids, and likewise with mages on Blue drakonids. It may be necessary to put one or two mages with the Improved Blizzard talent on the Blue side just to add the chill effect to the Blues should they break away from the main pack.
Divide the raid into two. 20 on each side. You may need to wipe a few times to get a feel for the damage each side is doing and alter your group setup to compensate. People need to be paying attention to what side they are on in each attempt as they may be moved. If one side is doing great and getting their down fast while the other side is struggling, move a few people to the other side to balance it out.
Ranged DPS and paladins/priests stand about 30 yards away from the doorways, with the warriors/rogues between them and the Drakonids. Druids stand between the two doorways (effectively between the two groups, as the raid will be split in two over the two sides of the room).
The aim is to kill 20 of each Drakonid type. Shuffle your DPS around the room to make sure you kill them at roughly the same pace. Single target damage (follow a warrior doing MA with wanding for casters, save your mana for AOE) for the first minute or so until there are about 6-8 Drakonids up, then begin the AOE. If any Drakonids break free from 2 sunders, they should be at 10-20% life and easily dispatched before they reach the caster group (it is up to Hunters and Rogues to make sure they dont reach the caster pile, especially if they are Blue Drakonids).
The spawn rate will be variable. It will increase and decrease. Phase 1 lasts approximately 3 minutes. This is the breaking point. Everything must be contained within the AOE point to be the most efficient. Mages specced in Improved Blizzard are invaluable for this encounter. When a caster gets aggro they need to run to the centre of the AOE pack to keep the damage flowing evenly. Have a rogue MA for both sides for the casters and other rogues/hunters. The rogue on the side with the main tank should be picking the targets that the main tank is tanking, so that when Nefarian lands, the main tank doesnt have many adds on him (hopefully none) and is free to grab Nefarian. This is where you have to make the judgement call. If you dont have 34 people up, its a good idea to wipe now and try again rather than go to Phase 2 gimped.
For the entire length of Phase 1, Nefarian is untargetable, and in shadowform teleporting around the room shooting shadowbolts at random people for 600-1200 damage. Bring Greater Shadow Protection Potions for the Priests and Druids. When 20 of each colour Drakonid have been killed, he rises into the air and becomes his true dragon form. Once this has occurred the Drakonids stop spawning, but the ones currently alive still need to be killed. In 20 seconds, Nefarian will land on the balcony.
You only get ONE try at Phase 2 every 12 hours. Currently there is a bug in the game where if you zone out of BWL for 30 minutes after a Phase 2 wipe, you can attempt it again. Blizzard has labelled it an exploit but wont ban anyone for using it, so exploit early exploit often.
Phase 2
Nefarian is in dragonform and lands on the balcony. You have 20 seconds from his Phase 2 emote until the dragon lands. The main tank has to be standing there with his healers, ready to take the initial aggro. If you have to, put Blessing of Protection on the tank to clear some of his Drakonid aggro. Once hes on the ground, tank him facing out into the open area against the edge of the balcony. Even though its a tiny rail, in actual fact its a solid wall. The next 80% of his life is the Onyxia fight with a twist. He has Shadowflame, cleave and the standard swiping knockback attack, as well as a tailwhip. He also casts a curse that reduces healing effects by 75%, which needs to be decursed as soon as possible.
Place one or two offtank warriors on the opposite side of Nefarian to the raid. The need to be high on the hate list incase the main tank dies, is polymorphed or feared. Nefarian will turn to face them rather than the raid. A tailwhip is far easier to recover from than a Shadow Flame.
Every 30 seconds he yells out to a class, taunting them and causing a specific reaction out of the players control. The class yells are:
All warriors (including the tank) switch into Berserker stance, therefore taking extra damage. Extra heals on the main tank to compensate. When the shout is over, warriors are stuck in a 4th stance, so they have to switch back to whatever stance they were originally in (it wont switch back for you).
Every heal a priest casts for the next 30 seconds will leave a 100dps damage over time on the player the heal lands on. It stacks up very badly if not caught quickly. Paladins/shamans and druids need to heal to compensate. Priests take this opportunity to wand Nefarian for mana (if alliance, Judgement of Wisdom should be up there at all times as this is a very long fight).
Your ranged weapon (bow/gun) is instantly set to zero durability, as payback for all the wipe repair bills youve avoided with feign death. There are several counters. Either bring multiple weapons to the fight, switch out your weapon before the class yell occurs then put it back in, or drop a repair bot in the centre of the group at the start of Phase 2.
All rogues are teleported to Nefarians hind legs and rooted in place under him, taking his cleaves. Extra healing on rogues to allow them to survive.
Mages will begin randomly polymorphing members of the raid into a variety of zoo animals. Anyone able to demagic needs to be spamming it, especially on the healers. Iceblock will remove the "Wild Magic" debuff on you, so use it if you get the mage call. This CAN affect the main tank, which means he will lose aggro. Someone needs to be a dedicated main tank demagicer when the mage shout appears. Alternatively, have every mage run away from the group when their call comes. The Wild Polymorph affect seems to have a maximum range.
Infernals will be summoned and begin stomping on the raid. They are fairly weak and can be either single target killed like the Sons of Flame or AOE them down with blizzard and hurricane. For every warlock you have in the raid, three infernals will spawn.
All druids are morphed into catform against their will. For 30 seconds they can claw and scratch at Nefarian.
Paladins are forced to cast Blessing of Protection on Nefarian, making him immune to physical damage for 30 seconds.
All shamans begin placing down totems that damage the raid, and have to be individually destroyed as totems are invulnerable to AOE.
Through all those abilities, he also has the bellowing roar from Phase 3 Onyxia that causes everyone to run in fear. Bring all your fear ward items/abilities, or stack up some shadow resistance (which you may have been wearing for Phase 1 anyway to avoid Nefarians shadowbolts. The fight continues unchanged until Nefarion reaches 20%.
Phase 3
Once Nefarian is getting critically low, he calls out to his fallen minions to rise again to defend him. The bodies of every Drakonid killed in Phase 1 now reanimate in the form of the Risen Constructs from Scholomance. They have next to zero life, but hit incredibly hard (one and two-shotting cloth wearers). Mages and Warlocks need to be AOEing the pile of dead bodies a few seconds before the call is sounded to make sure they catch them early.
Paladins should put Blessing of Protection on mages for a quick immunity to physical damage, and shamans should use Earthbind totems to help with the improved Blizzard. Also, Paladin Holy Wrath completely owns these creatures.
Once the undead are dealt with, continue burning Nefarian down the last 20% until he has died.