here 2 little buddies of mine

ow and they will burn U nice and crispy so here a list off possible fire res items. I didn't add MC/TB/kazzak/Azu items. MC may drop or not and i dont see us Doing any outdoor.
15 Cloak of Flames - Cloak (drop MC/UBRS random)
15 Fire Striders - Boots (drop STRAT Balnezzar)
9 Chromatic Cloak Cloak (creation DSLW)
15 Wildfire Cape - cloak (drop BRD Pyroguard Emberseer)
10 Skullsmoke Pants - Legs (drop SCHOLO Vectus)
20 Polychromatic Visionwrap - Chest (drop UBRS Solakar Flamewreath)
16 Onyxia Scale Cloak* - Cloak (creation LW)
15 Circle of Flame - Head (drop BRD Ambassador Flamelash)
10 Mageflame Cloak - Cloak (random WORLD drop)
7 Cape of the Fire Salamander - Cloak (drop BRD Ambassador Flamelash)
6 Cloak of Fire - Cloak (Creation Tailor)
18/18/17 Wizzardweave chest/head/leg (creation Tailor)
10 Starfire Tiara - head (drop rare spawn UBRS Jed Runewatcher)
10 Dragonrider Boot's - boots(Drop UBRS Rend Blackhand)
10 Smokey's Drape - Cloak (quest reward EP When Smokey Sings, I Get Violent)
10 Flameweave Cuffs - Wrist <random enchant> (drop BRD Lord Incendius)
*we need to kill onyxia first and a LW must deliver the head. I can make the Cindercloth Cloak myself for the Cloak.
20 Flamescarred Girdle - Waist (Drop STRAT Maleki the Palid)
10 Flamescarred Shoulders - Shoulders (Drop DMW Magister Kalendris)
18 Volcanic Shoulders - Shoulders (Creation ELLW = 10RL 1EoF 1 EoE 1RT)
10 Nightbrace Tunic - Chest (Drop UBRS Solakar Flamewreath)
8 Felhide Cap - Head (Drop DME Lethtendris)
10 Coal Miner Boots - Feet (drop BRD Hurley Blackbreath)
20 Volcanic Breastplate - Cest (Creation ELLW = 8RL 1EoF 1EoE 1RT)
10 Cinderhide Armsplints<random enchant> - Wrist (Drop BRD Lord Incendius)
20 Volcanic Leggings - Legs (Creation ELLW = 6RL 1EoF 1CoE RT)
10 Flamestrider Robes - Chest (drop BRD Pyromancer Loregrain)
10 Bloodfire Talons - Gloves (drop ST Dreamscythe Hazzas Morphaz Weaver)(really nice for druids if no cenarion)
10 Cow King's Hide - Chest (random WORLD drop)
5 Helm of Fire - Head (Creation ELLW = 40 TL 8HoF 8CoE 2CTL 4HST)
13 Black Dragonscale Leggings - Legs (Creation DSLW = 60BDS 40RL 2EL 1CRH 1RT)
10 Flame Walkers - Feet (drop UBRS Goraluk Anvilcrack)
12 Red Dragonscale Breastplate - Chest (Creation DSLW = 40RL 30RDS 1RT)(+66 healing pala's?)
10 Drakesfire Epaulets - Shoulders (random WORLD drop)
6 Black Dragonscale Shoulders - Shoulders (DSLW Creation = 44RL 45BDS 2EL 1CRH 1RT)
12 Black Dragonscale Breastplate - Chest (DSLW Creation = 60BDS 20RL 1CRH 1RT)
10 Molten Fists - Hands ( drop BRD Ambassador Flamelash)
10 Pyremail Wristguards<random enchant) - wrist (drop BRD Lord Incendius)
10 Searingscale Leggings - Legs (drop BRD Pyromancer Loregrain)
13 Dragonscale Breastplate - Cest (DSLW Creation = 40TL 30DS 4CTH 4HST)
13 Iridescent Scale Leggings - Legs (Drop STV rare Scale Belly)
10 Firemane Leggings - Legs (drop BRD Pyromancer Loregrain)
10 Sunblaze Coif - Head (random SM drop)
20 Lavawalker Greaves - Feet (drop STRAT maleki the Palid)
10 Hydralick Armor - Chest (Random WORLD drop)
10 Emberplate Armguards<random enchant> - Wrist (Drop BRD Lord Incendius)
10/10/7/5/8/6 Thorium Items (BS creation)
Runic not worth the ARC bars go fetch ur Arc Reaper.
plate list isn't really needed since all warrs(MT's) will stalk QD for DI items

And pala's can find better alternatives with int/sta whatever stats extra on it in cloth/leather/mail.
10 Draconian Deflector - Shield (drop UBRS General Drakkisath)
10 Skullflame Shield - Shield (random WORLD drop)
10 Torch of Austen - Wand (random WORLD drop)
8 Flaming Incinerator - Wand (Drop ZF random of Bosses)
20 Elemental Mage Staf - 2Hand (random WORLD drop)
10 Kindling Stave - 2Hand (drop BRD Pyromancer Loregrain
10 Elder Magus Pendant - Neck (drop DmW Magister Kalendris)
15 Magmus Stone - Off hand (drop BRD Magmus)
7 Smoking Heart of the Mountain - Trinket (Enchanter Creation BoP)
15 Blazing Emblem - Trinket (random WORLD drop)
10 Seal of Ascension - Ring (quest UBRS key)
18 Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector - Trinket (Creation ENGI)
15 Tidal loop - Ring (quest Hands of the Enemy)
8 Ward of the Elements - Trinket (onyxia chain quest reward first part before note)
15 Drakefire Amulet - Neck (onyxia chain quest reward)
10 Father Flame - off hand(crystal egg part UBRS)
15 Skull of Burning Shadows - off hand (drop STRAT Maleki the Palid)
10 Magebane Scion - off hand (quest reward EP battle of Darrowshire chain)
7 enchant on cloak (1 elemental fire+Lesser Mystic Essence)
5 enchant on shoulders (AD revered quest 9G cost)
5 enchant on Cloak (all res)
20*2 Libram of Resilience - Head/Legs(Quest book World drop lvl 50+ mobs)
i know there more feel free to add anything i missed.