I have turned on admin validation for new members

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I have turned on admin validation for new members

PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:45 pm

Posts: 3411
Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:46 am
Location: SSX
I will try to stay on top of it, if you have a new member/recruit, holler here so I can activate them quickly.

As some of you may know, a former WoW-US player, tribulationsaint, is threatening people, I am involving appropriate parties, including the involved ISP(s) and law enforcement, as it appears he has implied physical real life threats to WoW-US members.

If he's reading this: Cease and desist. I have your name, your home address, and am providing all of that information to appropriate authorities. You do NOT get to threaten people anonymously and expect to get away with it. You have taken a game, a past time, and made it unpleasant for alot of people. I will see that ended.

If law enforcement is reading this, please contact me directly via this forum, I will happily cooperate with you in anyway I can to make sure this is dealt with appropriately.

For teh community: Do not reply to him, do not reply to this thread, and tell me immediately if you have contact with him. Your safety is my foremost concern.
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