No promises for timescales for any of this (some of it is very long term thinking, and I'll just be working on it as I feel inspired, since none of it is urgent). If anyone has ideas or suggestions (or feedback) for other things they'd like to see too, let me know and I'll add it to the list if I can

Rebuild web server
Move us to a more up to date kernel to allow for easier implementation of some of the items below
Update phpBB
Possibly replatform the skin while I'm at it to make this easier?
Multi-domain handling
Our means of handling multi-domains is incorrect per best practices. All other domains should be 301 redirected to .com, making that a primary domain to reduce ranking penalties and resolve issues with phpBB
SSL support
Investigate and implement if possible
Investigate Adding Emoji Support to Forums and News
This should be done as part of the phpBB update and admin replatform respectively. There should hopefully be third party plugins which can handle this
Replatform main site
Retain current design (but maybe rebuild from scratch to apply latest standards), but replace psuedo-MVC solution with true MVC
Replatform group websites
Make them mobile friendly (rebuild layouts with mobile support), create unified MVC platform to host them
Update Twitter integration
Current implementation truncates Tweets and does not handle media or hastags well. New integration should solve for this
Fix Latent Errors
Parse our error logs and automated markup validation and resolve obvious recurring issues after new codebase has bedded in a little
Replatform admin area
Code is very old and less than useful. Total replatform, also look to implement rich text support for news etc and backdate
Friendly error page
For 404s
- Port Image Library to WebP
WebP format is more modern and efficient, we should look to use this wherever possible.
- Investigate Discord integration
It would be nice to find a way to get some of our discussions from Discord integrated into the website (as read only). Investigate whether this is possible via the API
- Add Twitter/Steam/Etc Embed Support to the Forums
Long requested, though dependent on the phpBB update first
- Integrate Forum Into Discord Webhook
This must be done after the phpBB update, due to the need for a specific addon installing which is not compatible with our version
- Through The Ages Feature
Need to replatform everything first so that we have a clean system to reskin.
- Restore SSC templates and content
Pull what content we can (blogs etc) from the Internet Archive and restore these as best as possible as part of History section.
- STR Timeline
If we can gather the data?
- Reskin forum
The current skin was quickly patched together when the server had to be upgraded, and has issues as a result. Once the rest of the site is fully replatformed, this should be rewritten to bring it in line.