I'll be editing this a bit as I find UI's and add them on. Thesee are not "required", but they are very very helpful when we are voting or doing bosses, now if you are a 56k connection however, you might not want to use any of these.
GEM: http://christophe.calmejane.free.fr/wow/gem/
When you get this UI, add shatteredstar as the channel and then delete the default channel.
CT: http://www.ctmod.net
You can do the whole thing or just ctraid, ctraid is what we use for votes and bosses.
Website where you can search for specific UI's.
Natur EnemyCastBar
An addon actualy good for both PvP and PvE. it shows the casting timers of the selected mob and raid bosses. its pro! you can see it in my UI in the middle.
Item Rack
1 click gear change. handy to swicht to you resistance/pvp/pve gear with one mouseclick
Discord Unit Frames
With this you can change your unitframes.
Cool 3D characters in you unit frames
Discord Action Bars
Pimp you action bars! ^^
The original ui. the one i stole mine from:
Photec's UI
Decursive Continued
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addo ... inued.html
This is optional since CT has a decursive, but I find it that it works alot better then the CT one.
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addo ... atlas.html
You will never get lost again, it maps out all the instances and boss locations.
Atlas Enhanced
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addo ... anced.html
With this mod it also displays all the loot that drops off of the bosses. You going to need the mod above in order it to work.
Titan Panel
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addo ... panel.html
Cool little bar that you can put on top or bottom of your screen that display information (ex. Durability, Bag slot, ammo... etc)
Pally Power
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addo ... power.html
A MUST HAVE for all pallies, it lets you set the buffs you want on each class and it also shows what buffs are the other pallies giving, granted if they have the mod.
Moderators: Global Moderators, WoW =US= Moderators
- Padishar
- Posts: 1713
- Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:15 pm
- Location: Next Door
This is a bit out of date, most of us use the plethera of Ace Plugins now.
Just grab WoW Ace Updater and you can search/install/update all your Ace plugins and grab any that you want quickly and easily.
I'll try and post a set of most helpful/commonly used plugins later if folks are interested.
Just grab WoW Ace Updater and you can search/install/update all your Ace plugins and grab any that you want quickly and easily.
I'll try and post a set of most helpful/commonly used plugins later if folks are interested.
- Padishar
- Posts: 1713
- Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:15 pm
- Location: Next Door
Ok Think the best way to decribe/list what I feel is essential is with an illustrated pic first.
Though most of my mods are all ACE plugins (listed as ACE), some are not (listed as NOT ACE).
Also, some of the mods that are essential are not visable in the pic, so I will explain them after the pic's breakdown.
So... getting to it... here is what I use in Raids/AV:
1. Omen (ACE)
Aggro meter that everyone MUST have for raids. Not only does it let you and everone know how bad your aggro is, but also warns you when you are getting close to pulling aggro off of the tank.
2. ElkBuffBars (ACE)
A handy highly customizable mod, that makes it really easy see timers on all your buffs/debufs. You can set everything to show up in 1 bar or many different ones. Because this mod takes a bit to initially set up and customize (mostly learning what menu does what) , I don't recommend this one till you have time to fidgit with it.
3. TipBuddy (NOT ACE)
I love this mod (mad addicted to it). Its extremely handy in pvp. As you can see in the pic, my cursor is hovering (and I did say hover, you don't have to select anyone for it to pop up) over Magelena and a box pops up showing her name, class, health etc.
Often (esp. in arena) in pvp, you need to find out what horde is what class quickly and selecting each one takes waaaaay to long.
This mod works well in conjunction with MobInfo-2 (NOT ACE; explained below). The developer who created TipBuddy, no longer supports it and has created TipTac instead. Tipbuddy still works so I havn't bothered to test TipTac yet.
4. Trinket Menu (NOT ACE)
This mod creates 2 movable icons, representing the 2 trinkets you are wearing. If you open the trinket menu you can setup a quick key to auto use a trinket (for instance I use the / key to use my pvp trinket and break out of things in combat). The mod also lets you change the trinkets out on the fly for any other one that is in your backpack, via a designated key (for Instance I use SHIFT + left/right mouse button; the left mouse button changes the first trinket out and the right changes out the 2nd trinket).
5. SimpleMiniMap (ACE)
Handy Mod for moving and editing your minimap.
6. AutoBar (ACE)
This mod creates a customizable new bar (outside of your normal blizzard bars) that is specifically designed to auto list every single consumable that you have on you at any given point (ie. food, water, potions, healthstones, mount, poisons, etc; even your hearthstone if you want). It ONLY lists what you have on you and you can filter out what you dont want to show up. By default it lists EVERYTHING, so I recommend filtering some things out or you will have a giganticsour of a bar across your screen.
Personally to keep the bar small and useful, I only have it list what I commonly use in combat (ie. Health/Mana potions, bandages, healthstones and poisons).
7. Bartender3 (ACE)
Replaces the normal WoW bars with customizable/movable bars. You can edit how many buttons are on each bar, how far apart the buttons are from each other, the size and width of the bars/buttons, even change the direction and shape of the bars.
CyCircled (ACE; explained below) is a nice mod to use in conjunction with Bartender3.
8. AG_Unitframes (ACE)
EXTREMELY customizable/movable unit frames. Wait, you don't know what unit frames are? You do and just don't realize it. The frame in the upper left corner that lists your name, health and mana/rage/energy? That is a unit frame. When you select something else and a new box opens listing what you are targeting that is a unit frame. There is a bagillion different ways you can set up your unit frames, so I will instead just give you a quick on how I set up mine. When in a raid my party frames are hidden (I usually have them where grid is at the moment). Also the frames are colored by what your classes is (ie mine is white because I am priest and Magdelana is brown because she is a warrior). I have it so opponets are listed as red and their names are colored by what their class is. Soo, as you can see in the pic, I am targeting Magdelena and she is targeting a horde mage (the bar is red and the text is blue).
Pitbull (ACE) is another GREAT unit frame mod to use (instead of using AG_UnitFrames), but is a lil bit more of a resource hog. If your system can handle it, I recommend testing them both out (separately) to see which you like better.
9. Grid (ACE)
This mod is a highly customizable raid-frame healers dream (esp. in AV PvP)! Not only does this mod list every member in your raid, but has a plethora of things you can track on each person. For instance, the mod can track their health, whether or not they are in casting distance of you, if they have aggro, if they have an affliction, who all will be affected by an aoe heal, etc (the list goes on). Classes are sorted by color and are all in a tight little handy dandy unit frame box.
10. Decursive (ACE)
All classes that have a means of removing debuffs from other people should have this mod. Much like Grid, this mod lists all members in a party/raid. They are sorted by group and class (just like in grid as well). The biggest difference is that Decursive lists everyone by a small dot instead of a unit frame. When ever anyone is afflicted by something you can remove and is in range, the dot lights up. Simply clicking the left or right mouse button auto casts the appropriate removal spell. If your class can remove more then 1 type of affliction the colors will light up differently. For instance, my priest can remove magic and disease. So if someone is in range of me and has a magic debuff on them it lights up red(and I left click on the dot), if they have a disease it lights up green(and I right click). You can also use the mod to set up macro removal quick keys if you like.
11. MetaHUD (NOT ACE)
I find this mod extremely useful for melee type classes. It creates a HuD reticle around your character. Listing both you and your opponents health/energy/rage/magic etc. It also tracks things like combo dots and range. If you use quick keys to attack with like I do, using this HUD makes it so you never have to look away from your opponent, as all pertinent information is wrapped around your character.
12. Fubar (ACE)
Essential Mods Not Shown But Running In the Background
Bigwigs (ACE)
Cartographer (ACE)
(*I will add the rest shortly, its a edit/work in progress*)
Though most of my mods are all ACE plugins (listed as ACE), some are not (listed as NOT ACE).
Also, some of the mods that are essential are not visable in the pic, so I will explain them after the pic's breakdown.
So... getting to it... here is what I use in Raids/AV:
1. Omen (ACE)
Aggro meter that everyone MUST have for raids. Not only does it let you and everone know how bad your aggro is, but also warns you when you are getting close to pulling aggro off of the tank.
2. ElkBuffBars (ACE)
A handy highly customizable mod, that makes it really easy see timers on all your buffs/debufs. You can set everything to show up in 1 bar or many different ones. Because this mod takes a bit to initially set up and customize (mostly learning what menu does what) , I don't recommend this one till you have time to fidgit with it.
3. TipBuddy (NOT ACE)
I love this mod (mad addicted to it). Its extremely handy in pvp. As you can see in the pic, my cursor is hovering (and I did say hover, you don't have to select anyone for it to pop up) over Magelena and a box pops up showing her name, class, health etc.
Often (esp. in arena) in pvp, you need to find out what horde is what class quickly and selecting each one takes waaaaay to long.
This mod works well in conjunction with MobInfo-2 (NOT ACE; explained below). The developer who created TipBuddy, no longer supports it and has created TipTac instead. Tipbuddy still works so I havn't bothered to test TipTac yet.
4. Trinket Menu (NOT ACE)
This mod creates 2 movable icons, representing the 2 trinkets you are wearing. If you open the trinket menu you can setup a quick key to auto use a trinket (for instance I use the / key to use my pvp trinket and break out of things in combat). The mod also lets you change the trinkets out on the fly for any other one that is in your backpack, via a designated key (for Instance I use SHIFT + left/right mouse button; the left mouse button changes the first trinket out and the right changes out the 2nd trinket).
5. SimpleMiniMap (ACE)
Handy Mod for moving and editing your minimap.
6. AutoBar (ACE)
This mod creates a customizable new bar (outside of your normal blizzard bars) that is specifically designed to auto list every single consumable that you have on you at any given point (ie. food, water, potions, healthstones, mount, poisons, etc; even your hearthstone if you want). It ONLY lists what you have on you and you can filter out what you dont want to show up. By default it lists EVERYTHING, so I recommend filtering some things out or you will have a giganticsour of a bar across your screen.
Personally to keep the bar small and useful, I only have it list what I commonly use in combat (ie. Health/Mana potions, bandages, healthstones and poisons).
7. Bartender3 (ACE)
Replaces the normal WoW bars with customizable/movable bars. You can edit how many buttons are on each bar, how far apart the buttons are from each other, the size and width of the bars/buttons, even change the direction and shape of the bars.
CyCircled (ACE; explained below) is a nice mod to use in conjunction with Bartender3.
8. AG_Unitframes (ACE)
EXTREMELY customizable/movable unit frames. Wait, you don't know what unit frames are? You do and just don't realize it. The frame in the upper left corner that lists your name, health and mana/rage/energy? That is a unit frame. When you select something else and a new box opens listing what you are targeting that is a unit frame. There is a bagillion different ways you can set up your unit frames, so I will instead just give you a quick on how I set up mine. When in a raid my party frames are hidden (I usually have them where grid is at the moment). Also the frames are colored by what your classes is (ie mine is white because I am priest and Magdelana is brown because she is a warrior). I have it so opponets are listed as red and their names are colored by what their class is. Soo, as you can see in the pic, I am targeting Magdelena and she is targeting a horde mage (the bar is red and the text is blue).
Pitbull (ACE) is another GREAT unit frame mod to use (instead of using AG_UnitFrames), but is a lil bit more of a resource hog. If your system can handle it, I recommend testing them both out (separately) to see which you like better.
9. Grid (ACE)
This mod is a highly customizable raid-frame healers dream (esp. in AV PvP)! Not only does this mod list every member in your raid, but has a plethora of things you can track on each person. For instance, the mod can track their health, whether or not they are in casting distance of you, if they have aggro, if they have an affliction, who all will be affected by an aoe heal, etc (the list goes on). Classes are sorted by color and are all in a tight little handy dandy unit frame box.
10. Decursive (ACE)
All classes that have a means of removing debuffs from other people should have this mod. Much like Grid, this mod lists all members in a party/raid. They are sorted by group and class (just like in grid as well). The biggest difference is that Decursive lists everyone by a small dot instead of a unit frame. When ever anyone is afflicted by something you can remove and is in range, the dot lights up. Simply clicking the left or right mouse button auto casts the appropriate removal spell. If your class can remove more then 1 type of affliction the colors will light up differently. For instance, my priest can remove magic and disease. So if someone is in range of me and has a magic debuff on them it lights up red(and I left click on the dot), if they have a disease it lights up green(and I right click). You can also use the mod to set up macro removal quick keys if you like.
11. MetaHUD (NOT ACE)
I find this mod extremely useful for melee type classes. It creates a HuD reticle around your character. Listing both you and your opponents health/energy/rage/magic etc. It also tracks things like combo dots and range. If you use quick keys to attack with like I do, using this HUD makes it so you never have to look away from your opponent, as all pertinent information is wrapped around your character.
12. Fubar (ACE)
Essential Mods Not Shown But Running In the Background
Bigwigs (ACE)
Cartographer (ACE)
(*I will add the rest shortly, its a edit/work in progress*)
- Posts: 26
- Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:15 am
- Location: Newfoundland, Canada
That's my mages ui at the moment. I like it better than cluttering all kinds of other bars in. If you want to know what a specific mod is ask me on wow. Ill either be on my alliance or horde characters. Names are in my signature.
*Edit* Cleaned up your img code so it displayed properly - Pad
Mannaroth ~ Flyingdanish - 70 Human Holy Paladin
Mirwandis - 70 Night-elf Rogue
Wartortle - 56 Draenei Warrior
Alleria ~ Plunger - 70 Undead Frost Mage
Mirwandis - 70 Night-elf Rogue
Wartortle - 56 Draenei Warrior
Alleria ~ Plunger - 70 Undead Frost Mage
- Padishar
- Posts: 1713
- Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:15 pm
- Location: Next Door
Quick FYI for all those having mod troubles after 2.4 patch.
Make sure that you log in at least once without any mods and make sure you update all your mods before loading them.
You can do even more like wipe your addon and wtf folders but I wouldn't go to that extreme unless you have to.
To help narrow down which mods are conflicting and to help with all mod errors in general, make sure you grab both ACE mods:
!BugGrabber and Bugsack
Make sure that you log in at least once without any mods and make sure you update all your mods before loading them.
You can do even more like wipe your addon and wtf folders but I wouldn't go to that extreme unless you have to.
To help narrow down which mods are conflicting and to help with all mod errors in general, make sure you grab both ACE mods:
!BugGrabber and Bugsack
- lili
- Posts: 693
- Joined: Thu May 05, 2005 9:12 pm
- Location: The hospital
OMEN has been giving a lot of guilds trouble and crashing wow, so I would sugguest looking at both curse and ACE and make sure their numbers match before downloading usually the curse gaming one is the one with less problems. Also sometimes it's the externals that's causing the issues not the acutal program so if it's just an externals update i would wait on the download.
Babydolly Frost Mage 70
Pocky Protection Pally 70
I didn't fall from grace, I dove.
What do you mean my halo is lopsided, it's balanced perfectly on my horns.
Pocky Protection Pally 70
I didn't fall from grace, I dove.
What do you mean my halo is lopsided, it's balanced perfectly on my horns.
- Padishar
- Posts: 1713
- Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:15 pm
- Location: Next Door
Although advanced users can always search and install each and every mod by hand, an alternative to the now dead Ace Updater is the Curse Client:
The catch is that you have to register/log-in to use their free client
Current Image of my new modz. They are not finished yet, but you can check out what I have done so far:
[thmb]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j144/ ... 053348.jpg[/thmb]
List of essential mods that are working for me so far (through trial and error):
!BugGrabber and Bugsack - before snagging ANY mods make sure you get these 2 first. Many many people get turned off of stepping into the mod world due to error pop-up messages while playing.
Questhelper - If nothing else, THE mod to get if you are leveling.
Bartender 4 - The latest Bartender is the best. Aside from the normal movable / shapable bars, the latest Bartender allows hot-keying on the fly.
I replaced CyCircled with ButtonFacade for button skins if interested.
X-Perl - My current set of unit frames. For new users, you click on the white mod circle on your minimap then move/edit all your unit frames. I havn't decided if I want to go back to the class based health display (ie. Orange for Druid, Yellow for Rogue, etc.) or go with green health that turns yellow then red as it goes down.
Cartographer - All in one map replacement. Coords, guildmate locations, full map locations, etc.
RatingBuster - Compares new gear versus what you are wearing in a + and - format. Very handy for instantly knowing if a piece of gear is better then what you are wearing. Only bug with it is that it doesn't count playmade +enchantments or empty gem slots. So sometimes a piece is better after gemed but will show up worse.
TipTac - my TipBuddy replacement and so far its pretty decent mouse over ID once you edit down the display delay.
Outfitter - switch your gear on the fly.
FuBar is still alive - all in one place for your mods and display info like guild/gold/durability/performance etc fu.
The catch is that you have to register/log-in to use their free client
Current Image of my new modz. They are not finished yet, but you can check out what I have done so far:
[thmb]http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j144/ ... 053348.jpg[/thmb]
List of essential mods that are working for me so far (through trial and error):
!BugGrabber and Bugsack - before snagging ANY mods make sure you get these 2 first. Many many people get turned off of stepping into the mod world due to error pop-up messages while playing.
Questhelper - If nothing else, THE mod to get if you are leveling.
Bartender 4 - The latest Bartender is the best. Aside from the normal movable / shapable bars, the latest Bartender allows hot-keying on the fly.
I replaced CyCircled with ButtonFacade for button skins if interested.
X-Perl - My current set of unit frames. For new users, you click on the white mod circle on your minimap then move/edit all your unit frames. I havn't decided if I want to go back to the class based health display (ie. Orange for Druid, Yellow for Rogue, etc.) or go with green health that turns yellow then red as it goes down.
Cartographer - All in one map replacement. Coords, guildmate locations, full map locations, etc.
RatingBuster - Compares new gear versus what you are wearing in a + and - format. Very handy for instantly knowing if a piece of gear is better then what you are wearing. Only bug with it is that it doesn't count playmade +enchantments or empty gem slots. So sometimes a piece is better after gemed but will show up worse.
TipTac - my TipBuddy replacement and so far its pretty decent mouse over ID once you edit down the display delay.
Outfitter - switch your gear on the fly.
FuBar is still alive - all in one place for your mods and display info like guild/gold/durability/performance etc fu.
- Padishar
- Posts: 1713
- Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 11:15 pm
- Location: Next Door
Surprisingly, a great deal of this information is still up to date.
However, Fubar is no longer supported and I have since replaced it with the DataBroker mod Bazooka.
As with most WoW mods, Bazooka can be found on Curse.
However, Fubar is no longer supported and I have since replaced it with the DataBroker mod Bazooka.
As with most WoW mods, Bazooka can be found on Curse.